Chapter Forty One

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"Where are you goin'?" Floyd watch Marcy get up, then begin walking away from the table. 
"Away from yer ass." He grunted, continuing to walk.
Floyd laughed, figuring Marcy would do the same. Instead, Marcy turned back for a second, glared, then walked. "Awh, did I piss you off?" 
Marcy slowly sunk himself, sitting on his knees, on the floor. He breathed heavily, staring at the floor. 
"..Marccyy." Floyd stood from the chair, wandering off to the middle of the room, where Marcy was. His gazed rested on the kid, just plainly staring at him with a puzzled squint. 
"Do me a favor," Marcy tilted his head back to look at his friend, "Get Kristy." 
Floyd opened his mouth to respond, but Marcy shouted at him with urgency. With that, Floyd grabbed the table's lamp the headed off to find Kristy. After around ten minutes of searching, he found her by the neighboring pond. 
"Uh, Kris." Floyd crouched down next to her.
"Marcy wants you, and, uh.." Floyd stood up, extending a hand to her. "It's kinda, serious." Perfect timed screaming reflected from the building, out to the two. Kristy grabbed his hand, turning herself towards the building. They both began to run back, the uncanny shrieks stopping as they walked in. Growling and loud thumping replacing the horrid cries. 
Kristy waved the flashlight around a few times before stopping, passing a face. A familiar face, Marcy. She gasped and bumped back into Floyd, quickly veering forward to her brother. 
"Kri--" Floyd reached his hand out, attempting to grab her wrist. Failing, he sighed. 
Marcy just groaned and growled in response, charging at Kristy. He pounced into the air, his chest then pierced with the tip of her own blade. She threw the blade and the carcass away from her, standing with the flashlight in her hands. A moment later, she dropped the light as well. She didn't cry nor scream; she didn't really do anything, just stood quietly in the dark. The flashlight rolled off to shine on the scene, making the sharpened sword and Marcy's eyes light up. Floyd didn't bother to say anything, finding no point. He felt the same feeling all over again, just with different people. This wasn't Kristy's first time either, so they were in the same category. 
After a long pause, Kristy turned, glaring at Floyd. "I thank you for everything you've helped us with so far," She said clearly, "But, I believe this is road's end." Kristy turned completely, putting her right foot behind her left, bowing to Floyd. "I don't doubt we won't meet again, in another time." She smirked, nodding her head. "Take what you wish and leave." 
Floyd was sorta confused at the sudden proper attitude, but kept quiet. He took on the offer and left with a single backpack, saving enough for her.

 Where was he going? Somewhere away. Far, far away. With that, he began running. 

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