Chapter Five

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Sneaking up behind the lady clamping down Fred, Eileen hit her head with the frying pan repeatedly, until the lady fell back, knocked out. Now, this alarmed the other partners, the one nearest to Fred raising his gun to Eileen, shooting at her stomach. Eileen helplessly flew backwards, coughing on her own blood with a gentle grasp on the bullet wound. Floyd wasn't really sure what to do now, everything happening so fast-paced. instinctively, he looked for a weapon. The man who shot Eileen was up close to her, as well as the one in the truck, all aiming their guns at her. Floyd saw the chance, flying out to grab Eileen's dropped frying pan. Floyd rolled behind the two, whacking both of their heads until they dropped like the woman. Feeling victorious, he ran to a gun, picked it up, instructed Fred to jolt his hands and shot the chains, the recoil making him stumble back and drop the gun. Fred simply shook off the chains, got into the pickup, behind the wheel. Floyd picked up all the guns, threw them in the bed, then lifted Eileen into the passenger seat, laying her across his lap.
"Hoooollllyy fuck." Floyd muttered as the pickup truck spun out, Fred driving away from the barn. He was in no way relaxed, but glad it was over. He slightly tilted Eileen up, patting her back as she continued to cough up blood.
"Think she'll uh.." Fred said, suddenly. 
Eileen and Floyd shot him a glare in response.
"Okaay, but it does look pretty bad. Besides, I ain't a doctor."
"Stop at a damn clinic then, maybe? I'm sure I can figure it out." Floyd snapped back.
"Kid, ya don't need to go off." He groaned, keeping his eyes on the back road as walkers tried to climb the hood, making them swerve. "I get we're all tense right now and I'm glad ya guys came to help, but--"
"Just focus on fucking driving!" Floyd barked backed through gritted teeth.
And Fred did just that, halting in front of the only medical stop they saw in miles. It was far enough from the barn, in a small ran down town. It was an urgent care, abandoned and wore down. Nothing looked nice or clean inside, but it had to do. Windows were busted, covered in plywood. 
"Not to boss you around, but can you look for other supplies?" Floyd gestured to the gas station near the urgent care, then hopped out of the truck, cradling the passed out Eileen in his arms. 
"You can be the scavenger, I'll take the gal. Deal? I'm older, I know more about medical things, ya know?" 
Floyd hesitated before handing her body over to him. "Fine, fine. Just don't fucking kill her or I'll leave you to the sicklings. My promise." Floyd glared, grabbed an empty backpack from the passenger's floorboard and took off, sprinting to the nearest gas station. 

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