Chapter Thirty Nine

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About midnight, a screech echoed through the library, waking Kristy and Floyd. They both jumped at the noise but quickly regained their senses. Kristy waved her sword around, and Floyd flicked on the table's lantern. 
"Didn't you lock the doors?" He whispered to Kristy, Kristy nodded.
"I shoved desks in front of 'em too, but I doubt it's--Where's Marcy?" Kristy stood and rushed to the heavy screaming, Floyd following closely behind her with the table lamp.
As they found the source of the screaming at the other end of the establishment, Kristy slid towards Marcy and knelt down next to him, frantically brushing her hands through his hair and lightly shaking him. "Macry, sshhh.." She whispered, but just got more screaming and grunting.
"Krissstyy," Marcy wheezed and coughed harshly, "Shoot me. Shoot me, shoot me, shoot me!" He cried and gasped, whining uncontrollably.
Kristy pulled him into a hug, beginning to cry as well. "Marc, please. I don't unde--"
"SHOOOOTT MEEEE!" He thrashed and shouted at her, but soon lost energy and resorted to whimpers and whispers.
Kristy picked him up and carried him back to where he slept, laying him down on the carpet.
Not only did Marcy's screaming attract worried friends, but also walkers from all angles. Kristy decided to volunteer herself to clear the horde from the windows, knowing it'd probably cost the three later. Kristy ran to the front, removed a desk and unlocked a door, instructing Floyd to moved the desk back as she left. He did, but chose not to lock the door, knowing she'd have to come back eventually.
After the task, he slumped back down in his chair, sighing.
"What's up with you, Marcy?"
He sat quietly, listening for his answer, figuring it'd be soft.
"What do you think? I'm in excruciatin' painnn." He whined and rolled around, groaning.
"..I could look for some medicine or somethin'. I'm sure we brought some with us." Floyd moved his arm back, to the first backpack in his reach. He pulled it up onto his lap and began digging through it, shinning his flashlight through it.
"Noooo. Go help Kristy. Deal with me later, we both know I'll die no matter what ya do." Marcy shivered, hugging the carpet for warmth. "..Why is it so fuckin' cold in here?"
"Because you're sick, Marc. And, I'm not leavin' until I start to get worried or she asks me to. Kristy's a strong woman and I'm positive she'll be okay by h---" Before Floyd could finish, Kristy ran back inside, locked the door and cooly slid over the desktop. She threw her blade in front of her and dropped the lantern, exhausted.
What the two males hadn't noticed was the repetitive tapping behind them stopped, meaning Kristy had killed every single one on her own.
"So," Kristy inhaled and exhaled, in between laughs. "That was fun."

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