Chapter Eight

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Floyd nodded, searching around. He found Aspirin, set it on the counter and took a water bottle from his backpack, shaking two pills from the capsule. Eileen, as predicted, took a breath to scream. But, before she did, Fred shoved a towel into her mouth as a gag. Eileen clenched down on the rag, in pain. Floyd spun on his heel with the medicine and bottle, handing the items to her. Eileen took the rag out of her mouth, hurriedly taking the pills. Fred and Floyd both sighed in relief, Fred whispering to him. "I was nervous she wouldn't wake up." 
Floyd nodded in agreement, staring at Eileen. 
"I'll uh, get the truck ready." Fred awkwardly left the room. 
Eileen was sweating and shaking, her skin flushed of the color. She hazily glanced around the room, smirking at Floyd. "Hand me my nightgown, love." She demanded with a weak voice, holding out her unsteady hands.
Floyd did so, turning around to face the door as she redressed her self, struggling. 
"Think you can walk?" He asked, stupid question, but it was reasonable to ask. He doubted she could, but he questioned anyway. 
Eileen shrugged her shoulders. "Most likely not. C'mon, you can carry me, I'm not heavy." 
"Alright, alright. We shouldn't keep Fred waiting, and uh, how much do you remember?" He twisted both bottles closed, aimlessly tossing them into his backpack, slipping the backpack on. Afterwards, he turned, extending a hand to her.
"Not much. I know I hit someone with something, got shot, blacked out." Eileen whispered to him, grabbing onto his hand. She slid off of the bed, latching onto Floyd's shoulder for support. They slowly walked out of the clinic, outside to the truck. They saw Fred, impatiently tapping the driving wheel.

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