Chapter Thirty Seven

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Despite the ledge, Floyd pushed up the only window in the room and made his way out, carefully tight-roping across the ledge. He turned his body and spread his arms out, holding his breath. Behind him, he heard Marcy, then behind him was Kristy who slammed the window shut from the outside; backwards. Hopefully the remaining souls were too stupid to realize the motel's door was unlocked and open. Once the three slid off of the railing into a few bushes, brushed themselves off and ran to the jeep, started it and left the motel, swerving down the road. 
"..So, are you guys alright?" Floyd asked the two but kept his eyes on the road, not asking where to go to next.
"Are ya kiddin' me? That was awesome!" Marcy punched the air with his fists, laughing. "Ooh, man, did ya see those creepy asses? The one we saw in the gas station? Oho, I thought we'd be screwed for sure!" He continued to grin and laugh, carrying on as if it were a joke; as if they couldn't have died right then and there.
"We almost died, Marc." Kristy spat and craned her head back to him, huffing. 
"Ooh, c'mon, Kris. Lighten up. We could've, but we didn't." He sighed and muttered, turning his gaze to the window. "Why're ya so uptight all of a sudden?" 
"Uptight? Remind me not to pound ya on our next stop." She scoffed loudly and crossed her arms, kicking her feet up onto the dashboard.
"Can you guys not fight and tell me where the hell I'm goin'?" Floyd snapped, adjusting the jeep's review. 
"I don't know," Kristy grumbled and stomped her feet back down, running a hand through her hair. "Did I mention we lost nearly all of our supplies back there except what we left in the jeep?"
"..That's great, but that's not what I'm concerned about. Where are we goin'?"
"There." Marcy perked up, pointing his fingers to a library. 
"A library?"
"Yeah, why not? How many people do ya think are there right now? None. I'm a genius. Unless people are stockin' up on knowledge, then.." He trailed off about the benefits and leaned back again, Floyd turning into the parking lot. 
"Now, Marcy, how much supplies do we have left?" 
"Uhh.." Marcy turned to the 'trunk' of the car, visible from the backseat. He began wracking up numbers, counting bags quietly. "Two backpacks." 
"And how much did we lose?"
"..The rest of it?" He answered, figuring it was a stupid question.
"Nooo, really?" Floyd laughed lightly and got out, "Nevermind it. Wait out here, I'll go check around the library and make sure it's safe." 
As he walked inside through pushable glass doors, and around the interior, he found thrown books, flipped chairs, smashed computers, but no life. Floyd told them and they packed up, bringing their guns and blades, as well as backpacks with them, into the library. 
They began to pick up chairs and organize the place, making a small area to stay at out of beanbag chairs, tables and chairs. Someone had previously punched a vending machine's glass, so they took advantage of it and took anything they could from it, though it turned out to be more difficult than they imagined, the three only grabbing a few flat sodas, hot water, alongside few bags of chips and sweets. So far, Marcy's plan would be horrible if they kept living off of stale chips, rotting candy and disgusting soda. Luckily, they had canned food in their backpacks, as well as bottled water. If anything, they could scoop water from a nearby creek and boil it under a fire. They ate small amounts of food and drank little water, only to keep themselves from dehydration and not to waste it. 
"So," Marcy stood, "I'm gonna uh, clean up."
Kristy's eyes shot to him as he began to walk out of the library. "Where at?" 
Marcy pointed out of the glass doors, gesturing to a pond outside. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. If yer seriously bugged, Floyd can come with!" He grinned, laughing.
Floyd looked back and forth between them. "..Uh, Marcy, I told you before I'm twenty and it's weird." 
Marcy shot him a glance, as if he wanted Floyd to come out with him, for different reasons other than safety. He did a slight indication to his throat by itching it, then yawned, "Alright, whatever. I'll be back pretty soon." 
As he left, Kristy grabbed Floyd's arm, then jolted her head to the library's front. "Please? I know it's weird, but, it'll save me a few panic attacks if ya went with. Plus," She turned her head towards a neighboring window, "The sun's settin'." 
Floyd sighed and stood from the chair he was sitting at, eating a can full of peaches. "Fine," He grabbed the can, picking from the bottom of it. "I'll go with him if it worries you." He took the can with him, tossing it into an empty trashcan as he passed. 
"Thank you." 

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