Last cypher key

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Me, Stiles, Lydia, and dad were in the sheriff station talking about the dead pool when officer Parrish walked in naked and burnt. He started punching another deputy. That deputy kept saying "you were dead" what does that mean? Dad opened the door and the deputy pulled a gun on Parrish and Parrish punched him when he pulled the trigger which caused the gun to move and the bullet hit my dad in the shoulder. We took him to the hospital and took Parrish to Derek's with him, Scott, and Lydia to see if Derek knew what Parrish was.

Me and Stiles went to the hospital with our dad. It was about 1:30 in the morning. Our dad was asleep because of the meds he was on and Stiles was in the chair. I was in the chair falling over because I was so tired.
"Let me take you home, Hales" Stiles said
"What about you?" I asked
"I'll be fine. I'll drop you off and come back."

Stiles dropped me off at the house and I fell asleep on the couch because I was so tired I couldn't even make it up to my room.

The next morning Stiles comes to the house and takes me to school.
"Are you going to school?" I asked
"No, me and Lydia are going to try to figure out the last cypher key." Stiles admitted
"I thought you already figured them out?"
"This one is one that Lydia's grandmother made. She was a banshee too."
"Ahh. Makes sense."

I went to school and was falling over on my desk because I was so tired.
"Can I be excused?" I asked raising my hand.
"Yes" the teacher said.

I walked out of class when I saw Liam sitting on the stairs.
"Liam?" I asked "what are you doing?"
"What are you doing?" Liam repeated me
"I was bored so I had to get out of class" I said "now what are you doing"
"Last night. My printer went off by itself"
"What was it" a voice said. It was Scott. He came down the stairs and sat by us.
"It was the dead pool" Liam said
"What the hell is this!!"our heads turned when we heard that loud roar. It was coming from coaches office. We ran in there to see papers flying out of his printer. One flew out the door. Scott picked it up and looked at it. It was the dead pool. We moved to the side.

"Do you see the difference" Liam asked
"Derek's not on it anymore" Scott replied
"And I'm not worth 3 million anymore. It's 18 million now" Liam said.
I could tell he was scared. I'd be scared if I was worth 18 million dollars dead.

I didn't want to stay at school so I called Stiles to come get me. He got me and we went back to our house. Lydia was there. Him and Lydia were trying to figure out the cypher key to Lydia's grandmothers dead pool.
"Try your name" stiles said. She typed it in but it didn't work.
"What about your mom" she typed in her moms but it didn't work
"Was there like a beloved family pet?" Stiles asked
"No" Lydia said.
"Well she left it for you so-" I said
"So what were some hobbies that you all did together?" Stiles finished
"We read" Lydia said
"Okay what did you all read?" I asked
"The little mermaid" Lydia said
"You read that movie?" Stiles asked
"It was a book first" Lydia replied.

Lydia tried 'little mermaid' and 'mermaid' but it didn't work.

"I don't understand. We read it every night. For 3 months I wouldn't answer to anything but Ariel. It drove my parents crazy. But grandmother thought it was adorable." Lydia said.

She typed I 'Ariel' and it worked. A bunch of names popped up. We took it to Parrish and he searched them.

"Is it a dead pool?" I asked
"More like an already dead pool" Parrish said
"All these people dead?" Stiles asked
"All within the last ten years and at the same place" Parrish said
"Eichen house" Lydia finished
"Yep" Parrish said. 

Lydia and Stiles went to Eichen house to look at the records. I stayed at the station and watched Parrish do some more research. I sat in my dad's chair and fell asleep for about 30 minutes tell I heard something.
"Haley" Parrish said "wake up I need your help"
"Yeah I'm up. What is it" I asked
"Do you see the similarities between all these cases"
"They were all suicides" I said taking a look at the files.
"And the same person found them" Parrish said
"Brunski" I said finishing his sentence.
"We need to get to Eichen house right now to save Stiles and Lydia" Parrish said and I agreed and jump into his car and we rushed over there.

We got there and we ran to the records office. I looked through the window to see Brunski with a needle in Lydia's neck and a huge bruise on the side of Stiles face. Parrish kicked the door in with his gun out.
"Beacon county sheriffs department. Take your thumb of the needle and withdrawn from her neck" Parrish said
"Oh deputy. So young. I bet you haven't even shot a gun be-" Brunski said being cut off because Parrish shot him in the stomach. I ran over there and untied Lydia and Stiles because they were tied to a pole. Stiles shot up and hugged Lydia
"Are you okay?" Stiles asked very worriedly.
"Yes I'm fine. Are you okay?" Lydia asked
"Fine but not sure bout Brunski" Stiles said.
"He wasn't on my list. But he was a very bad person." A voice said in the distant. We looked up it was Meredith. She was alive? Parrish handcuffed her and took her and Lydia to the station and me and Stiles to the hospital because Brunski punched him in the face really hard.

I was sitting across the hall from Stiles' room. Melissa came up to me
"So Stiles has a concussion and is going to need a MRI." Melissa said
"Great. Another hospital bill for dad to worry about. But as long as Stiles is okay, do whatever you have to do" I said. Melissa smiled and stood up to go tell Stiles. I heard the hospital door open and me being nosy I looked to see who it was. It was Malia. I pointed to Stiles room and she entered. They were probably going to make up. I heard the door open again and ignored it but it was walking straight toward me so I looked up. It was Liam.
"Hey Haley, are you okay?" Liam said nervously as he hugged me as tight as he could
"Yeah I'm fine. Not sure about Stiles though" I said
"What happened"
"Brunski punched him in the face. Turns out he was a serial killer."
"Hmm. Makes sense."
"You want me to take you home?" Liam asked me
"Yeah sure. Thanks" I replied.

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