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It was Saturday morning. I woke up at midnight to a tapping on my window. I thought it was just a bird so I ignored it and turned over but I heard it again. I got up and opened my window and saw Liam standing outside of it but I was on the upstairs floor.
"Watch out" Liam told me so I moved out of the way. When I backed up Liam jumped in. I don't know how someone could jump that high but he did.

"What's wrong?" I asked Liam.
"I couldn't sleep" Liam added
"I had a bad dream"
"Me and you"
"That doesn't sound bad"
"I hurt you thought, Haley. I hurt you bad. This is the 3rd night in a row I've had this dream. I can't stand it. My brain is haunting me for hurting you. I can't take the thought of me hurting you, Haley. It just might kill me."
"Liam, it was just a dream. I'm here. Right now with you" I said grabbing his hand. "You haven't hurt me to a point where I couldn't take it, and I believe that you won't. The only way you could hurt me is if you walked out of my house and never talked to me again. "
"Haley, I don't think I could ever not talk you. Or even not look at you. I would probably go out of my frickin mind. I love you Haley. I really do." Liam said grabbing my cheek softly.
"I love you too Liam" I said smiling as Liam leaned in slowly and kissed me.
"Can I spend the night?" Liam asked
"Always" I said as Liam kissed me again

About 10 minutes later I looked up at Liam to see if he was asleep because I couldn't. He wasn't either.
"Can't sleep?" I asked
"Don't want to. I want to enjoy this moment with you" Liam added. He put his arm around me and pulled me closer as I laid my head on his chest and listened to his heart beat.
"Your hearts beating really fast. What's wrong." I asked
"You make me nervous" Liam added
"Because I love you"
I smiled and straddled Liam and leaned down and kissed him. It was a slow romantic kiss.
"I love you too" I said and laid back down to the position I was in before and Liam kissed my forehead.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked "since we can't sleep" I said grinning
"Why sure" Liam added
"You ever seen Star Wars?" I asked
"Oh my god really?! That's awesome I love star wars!! Star Wars is like the only thing me and my brother have in common. Besides we like to save our friends."
"Then let's watch it. I like whatever you like"
"Okay yay! Be right back!"

I snuck into Stiles' room because he hogs all the movies. I opened the door slowly so it doesn't creek and saw him and Malia spooning. This is like the 5th time this week she's snuck in. Oh well. I looked around by his tv and couldn't find it. I looked in his drawer and accidentally dropped something. It was loud too and I saw Stiles start to move so I crawled under his bed and listen to him and Malia talk about if they had heard anything or not. I looked to my left and found all the Star Wars movies. I know he was hiding them from me. I army crawled from under the bed and out of Stiles' room.

Watching Star Wars was a good idea because every 5 minutes Liam would ask me a different question every time. I love when people ask me questions about me favorite things and I love hearing Liam talk. He has the cutest voice ever. He asked me who Hans solo was, who Anakin Skywalker was and if Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker would get together. I didn't mind though. I thought it was cute.


Haley asked me if I had seen Star Wars. She had the biggest smile on her face when she asked me and when I said no she was so surprised so she insisted we watch it. I didn't mind because as long as I'm with her I didn't care what we did. I asked her question about the movie and she was so happy when I asked her these questions. She loves it when people ask her questions about her favorite stuff. She just gets so happy. I asked her about absolutely everything and she told me everything in detail. She asked me who my favorite character was and what I thought was gonna happen. But what Haley forgot was we watched some of Star Wars before but we she asked me she was just so happy. I just couldn't turn her down.


I was dozing off when I heard Liam mumble something and I don't even hear what it was.
"Huh" I asked "sorry I think I was asleep" I said laughing
"I said you want to go out with my today?" Liam repeated
I sat up and looked at him and said "I would love to" and he gave me a kiss and we went to sleep.

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