Missing beta

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I woke up and Liam was gone. I checked my phone to see if he had texted me. He did and it said "went running with Mason this morning. See you at school." I got up and took a shower. I dried my hair, straightened it and did my makeup. I put on a 'Los Angeles' shirt on with white shorts and black combat boots. I went downstairs to get breakfast. I finished it and Stiles came downstairs.
"You ready?" He asked
"As ready as I'll ever be." I replied

We got to school and Scott stopped us.
"Have you seen Liam?" He asked and him and Stiles looked at me.
"Well he texted me this morning and said he went running with Mason but he would see me at school" I replied
"Well just look for Mason" Stiles stated.

I looked all over for Mason and finally found him.
"Have you seen Mason?" We said at the same time.
"Well when we were running this morning and he got ahead of me and by the time I got up to where he was, he was gone. Like he disappeard."
"That's weird. I've texted him like 20 times and he hasn't responded" I said
"Me too" Mason replied.

I met up with Scott and told him what Mason said.
"I've got a free period so I'll go to his teachers to see if he's been to class." Scott said
"Okay" I said walking off when my phone rang. It was Liam.
"Scott!!" I yelled "Liam's calling" I answered the phone and put it on speaker.
"Liam?" Me and Scott said at the same time
"I think you both know the answer to that." It was Garrett.
"Where's Liam?" Scott asked
"You think I'm just going to tell you where he is?" Garrett replied
"I'll give you the money just tell me where he is."
"Yeah, you will but that's not why I called. Meet me behind the buses after school. Come alone. Don't bring Haley." Garrett said as he hung up.
"Oh I'm coming" I snapped.
"No Haley, you're not." Scott said
"But why" I asked
"It's too dangerous. Do you know what Stiles would do to me if you got hurt while I was watching you?"
"I can take care of myself"
"But Stiles and I want to take care of you too. So just stay here while I meet with Garrett and I'll tell you everything when I get back. Just wait at the school and I'll take you home when were done"

School was over and I sat on the stairs waiting for Scott. I had been waiting an hour so I got up and went to the buses. No one was there. I guess Scott got a little busy and forgot about me. I called Stiles and asked him to take me home. He came and got me and I  explained everything to him about what happened.


I went to the busses to meet with Garrett. He told me that they were transporting violet and he needed me to stop the car that's taking her. He told me if I stopped the car he would tell me where Liam was. After our little 'meeting' I went to the sheriff station to tell my dad that transporting violet was a bad idea. He didn't listen. Oh crap. I forgot to take Haley home. I went back to the school but she was gonna. I bet Stiles took her home.

I got in the car with Garrett.
"There's a stop sign half a mile ahead." Garrett said
"So you want me to take our the tired with my claws?" I asked
"Teeth, claws, heat vision I don't care. Just stop the car"

We were driving for a little while when I saw the prison transport van flipped on its side.
"Stop the car Garrett!" I yelled
"STOP THE CAR!" I yelled loader.
I ran out and saw my dad and the sheriff laying on the ground
"Dad" I said
"Scott. Watch out. They're still here" the sheriff said. What was still here.
I turned around and saw a berserker and heard Garrett smart mouthing it.
"You want me?" He asked it.
"Come on come and get me" he said taking out his lacrosse stick with the hidden dagger in it.
"You're not so big. YOURE NOT SO-" he stopped because another berserker stabbed him in the back. T

"Scott look out!!" Said the sheriff. I turned around and a berserker stabbed me in the stomach. I blacked out.


"You sure you're going to be okay home alone?" Stiles asked
"Where are you going?" I asked
"Me and Lydia still have to figure out the last cypher key."
"Oh okay. Yeah I'll be fine. I stay home alone all the time"
"I promise."

I sat on the couch to think about where Liam could be. And where Scott was. I decided to go for a walk in the woods. I was walking when I heard a loud roar.
"Liam" I said to myself and I started running to where the noise was coming from. I came across A big well. I looked inside to see Liam climbing up the side of it but he was slipping.
"Liam!" I shouted and he looked up.
"Oh Haley, I'm so glad to see you" he said but his fingers slipped and he started to fall but I stuck my hand down and grabbed him. I couldn't pull him up because I wasn't strong enough
"Liam you're gonna have to help me out a little." I said struggling to hold on to him. All the sudden he got really light and was pulled out of the well. Did I do that? I turned around to see Scott had Liam's other hand and pulled him out.  Liam was shaking. I'm surprised he wasn't hypothermic. He hugged me as tight as he could. Then he hugged Scott.
"Haley How'd you get here so fast?" Scott asked.
"Well I was already in the woods walking and I heard him roar" I said
"Sorry I forgot about you at the school" he said
"It's okay. You probably had a lot on your mind" I said

"What's this yellow stuff?" I asked pointing at Liam's chest and hand.
"It's wolfsbane. We need to get him to deaton now."

We took him to the animal clinic and laid him on the table. I held his hand while deaton cut In the middle of Liam's chest releasing the wolfsbane. He was okay. So Scott took us home.

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