The werewolf and the human

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It was a usual school morning and I walked into first period and sat down as soon as the bell rang Liam ran in breathing really heavy and was dripping in sweat and he sat down next to me.

"Liam how'd you get to school?" I asked because I didn't see him get off the bus.
"I-I ran" he said.
"You ran 3 miles to school?"
"I just started running"

I was very worried about Liam for 2 reasons. 1. Was he even going to survive the bite and 2. If he did survive would he still want to be my friend. I really need friends but you know my brother and Scott kind of kidnapped him so I'd understand if he didn't want to. Class was over and the bell rang and Liam darted out and I followed him. He was stopped by Scott and Stiles

"LAIM" Scott yelled
"You need to back the hell up okay, both you you" Liam said with some sass. I stood and watched them put on a show and make fools out of themselves.
"Liam. We're brothers now." Scott said
"What are you talking about? We just met and you bit me." Liam snapped
"The bite. The bite is a gift." Scott said not sure of what was coming out of his mouth
"Okay that's enough" I said butting in
"You, you, we are trying to help you you little runt" Stiles insisted.
"There is nothing wrong with me. Nothing." Liam yelled while ripping the bandage off to reveal his arm that did have a bite was now healed. We knew he was a werewolf now.

The pack met up behind the buses to discuss what we were going to do with Liam. I zoned out when I heard Stiles say "if it keeps him from killing someone I say we chloroform the little bastard and throw him in the lake."
"I'm in" Malia agreed raising her hand and I freaked out and said
"um no that is a horrible plan."

"Okay well let's be smarter then. We tell him were having a party and invite him" Lydia insisted
"But how are we gonna get him to a party if he doesn't trust us?" Kira added
"Well if we're going to trick him, I say we use the trickster" Lydia said talking about
"Who me? No way." Kira responded
"You know what they call a female fox? A vixen. Come on Kira, be a vixen." Lydia said back and I got a little jealous because they asked Kira and not me. I thought Liam kind of liked me. But what if he didn't. I kind of liked him. I mean I've never liked anyone before. What if I just think I like him. What if he breaks my heart. I was terrified but Scott could feel my emotional state and said "what if Haley asks him. He does kind of like her. She's our best option." I smiled and agreed to ask him.

After last period I knew Liam had English so I walked down the stairs in front of the English room as he walked out. I tried to walk slow and sexy like a model.
That didn't work. I think I just looked like an idiot but I did catch Liam's attention and he stopped in his tracks and his eyes got big. I got to the last step and tripped. Liam ran over there and caught me.

"Are you alright??" Liam asked and I could hear the worry in his voice.
"Yeah, fine thanks. So uh, you wanna go to a party tonight?" I asked
"Uh a party? Uh yeah." Liam said while stuttering.
"Great so uh, I'll have my brother pick us up around 6?" I asked
"Great" Liam added.

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