The living and the partying

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I put on a floral print long sleeve shirt and a black high waisted skirt with tights and black combat boots with my blonde hair curled. Stiles grabbed his keys to the jeep and we hopped in.

"You didn't have to get all dressed up. It's not even a party." Stiles said
"I know. I just wanted to." I added
"Haley, you never wanna get dressed up. Do you like him or something" stiles asked curiously.
"I don't know. I mean we're friends. I think." I said but I did kinda like Liam but I wasn't going to tell Stiles that because what if he told Liam what if Liam didn't like me like that and it would make things awkward. I've learned that it's better to keep things to myself.

We picked up Liam and it was a pretty awkward car ride. Liam started breathing really heavy. I looked over and I could see his shoulders moving up and down from his breathing. He out his hands over his ears and screamed "can you turn the music down" the music was barely above 4. I couldn't even hear it. But if he was wolfing out then he could probably hear the music from a car in Alaska.

"So who did you say was coming to this party?" Liam asked
"Ummm" I stuttered and looked at Stiles through the rear view mirror
"Everyone!" Stiles said butting in.

We got to Lydia's grandmothers lake house and we all got out of the jeep.

"Where is everyone?" Liam asked.
"They're late. And we're early. So we better hurry. Yay party!" I added. I'm such an idiot. Not to mention I'm bad under pressure.

We walked in and Scott, Lydia, Malia, Stiles, and Kira were standing there waiting.

"What the hell is this." Liam asked
"Think of it like an intervention Liam. You have a probably." Stiles said
"And we're the only ones who can help." Scott added

We told Liam about everyone and what they are.

"Werewolf, werecoyete, banshee, fox" Liam said
"Kitsune but fox works" Kira said back
"What are you" Liam said pointing at Stiles
"Well for a little while I was possessed by an evil spirit. It was very evil." Stiles added
"So what are you know"
"Better?" Stiles said not knowing what else to say. Liam turned around and looked at me
"Human." I said not even knowing if he was gonna ask me that.
"Are those for me" Liam asked pointing at the chains.
"No they're for me" Malia said changing her eyes to bright blue
"How-how'd you do that" Liam asked shocked
"You'll learn. You just have to get through the full moon" Scott added
"The moons already out."
"And you're starting the feel it aren't you"
"I feel like I'm surrounded by a bunch of psychotic nut jobs. You guys are out of your freaking mind. I don't know how you did that eye thing and I don't care. I'm walking out that door right now and if any of you try to stop me I swear to god, I'm gonna-"

Liam stopped and he fell on the floor covering his ears. A bunch of people started pulling in. Liam must have told people there was a party because of the sworm of freshman outside. Liam started clawing the floor and I went to pick him up and he turned around and growled at me. I got kind of scared but followed him, Scott, and Kira to the boat house. They were going to chain him to know of the support beams. We all left Lydia alone to throw a party for a bunch of weird freshman who finally didn't have to watch movies on a Friday night.

Liam attacked Scott and Kira grabbed a canoe paddle and hit him in the head. I jumped hoping he was okay.

"Oh god I didn't kill him did I?" Kira asked nervously
"No. You knocked him out cold." Scott added. I was relieved. I thought he was dead. Maybe I did like him. I was so confused. I guess that's part of being a teenager and in high school.

We chained Liam to a support beam while he was unconscious. Kira and Scott went to the other side of the dock and started dancing and kissing but I wasn't really paying attention. I was sitting on a barrel next to Liam so I could make sure he wouldn't stop breathing or anything while he was out. I feel my phone vibrate. It was a message from Stiles.

I almost got eaten by Malia. How's yours going.

Good. Almost got clawed to death.

That's good.

I just laughed and out my phone back in my pocket and when I looked up Liam was waking up. He was wolfed out and broke the chains somehow. I don't even think Scott could do that. But he did break through mountain ash so maybe he could. I stood up to follow Liam because he was running towards Scott and Kira. They moved causing Liam to jump through the window and a piece of glass flew into my arm.

"Oh no. Stiles is going to kill me. Are you okay?" Scott asked
"I'm fine. Kira will take me to the house and get it out. Go find Liam" I insisted.

Me and Kira went up to the house while running into Lydia and Mason. There was wine on the white carpet and Lydia shot up.

"What happened?" Lydia asked
"Liam jumped threw a window and a piece of glass went into my arm." I said after mason left.
"Haley, you need stitches."
"Don't be stupid, Lydia my dad still hasn't paid for Stiles MRI that was months ago. I'll be fine just get the glass out of my arm." I snapped.

Lydia did as told and got the glass out of my arm then wrapped it up with a bandage. Scott called me

Scott: "I've got Liam. He's okay. "
Haley: "okay good. Thanks for letting me know. "
Scott: "no problem."

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