Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

“Oh, you’ll get on the crate.”  Harry pushed Sophie into John’s arms.  “We’re going to take turns with her if you don’t.  You’ve already ruined her, so it really doesn’t matter.”  John tossed her to Hank as he assaulted her with his mouth.  Sophie kicked and lashed out with her fingernails but he pinned her arms behind her back.  David ran forward but the rope tugged him back. 

“All right, all right!” he screamed.  “I’m getting on the crate.”

David jumped onto the crate.  Hank released Sophie.  He threw her back to John.  Hank pulled the rope tight and secured the other end to a hook.  John turned Sophie around and forced her to watch the event.  “Don’t do this,” she sobbed as John tightened his grip around her waist 

“I love you Sophie.” David cried out.   “You make them pay for this, you hear.  They can’t take Ben from you.”

“Shut up Jew boy,” said Hank as he kicked the crate from under David.

Sophie screamed as she saw the rope jerk and David dangling in the air.  She elbowed John and raced toward David.  With all of her strength she grabbed him around his legs and lifted him up preventing the rope from strangling him.  The men laughed at her feeble attempt to keep him alive.

“Sophie, how long do you think you can hold him up?  You’re a little nothing,” laughed Harry.  “You are prolonging the inevitable.”

“I’ll hold him as long as I have to,” she cried.  “I am not going to let you die David.”

“Sophie, hang on to me,” said David finally able to breathe. “You can do this.”

“This ought to be fun to watch,” laughed John.  “Let’s see how long our little Sophie can hold him.”  Sophie tried to reach the crate with her foot, but Hank kicked it out of her reach.  She almost lost her balance and fell.  David was heavy and her arms were growing tired.  He was twice her weight, but she wouldn’t give up.  She would hold him all night if she had to.  Eventually someone would come to help them.

After five minutes, Sophie was still supporting David.  She was tired and her arms were trembling.  Sweat was pouring down her face, but she wouldn’t give up.  The men were amused as if it were a game.  They sat back and watched her as they taunted and teased.  Sophie tuned them out.  All she heard was David telling her she could do this.  After ten minutes, her vision grew blurry and her head started to spin.  She wanted to collapse, but she remained resolved not to let go.

“Come on John,” said Hank.  He was growing impatient.  “Let’s get this thing over with.  I have a score to settle with those niggers who took my job.”

“I’ll make a deal with you Sophie,” laughed John.  “I’m going to leave Harry here and if you’re still hanging on to David when we get back, I might let him live.  He may never walk again, but he’ll live.”

“I’ll be here holding David,” her voice cracked in pain. 

“Come on Hank, let’s finish what we started,” said John.  “Harry, when she collapses we’ll be at the bunkhouse.”

Hank walked over to Sophie and whispered in her ear.  “One way or another Sophie, he is going to die, and tomorrow you will be marrying me.”  He shoved her a little and she almost lost her balance.  The rope tightened on David’s neck and he gasped for air.  Sophie lifted him higher and he was able to breathe again.  Hank and John donned their white hoods and left the barn for the bunkhouse.

“David, I’m tired,” she cried tears running down her face.  “Oh God, please God give me the strength,” she prayed aloud.

“Sophie let me go then,” said David.

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