Episode 21

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Joe's POV-

I lay in the sand not being able to move or talk, I'm just too weak. Today is the day I will start the next 16 years of my life again as a punishment for destroying my 32 year old self, I deserve it though. That won't be happening to me, I won't be eating or drinking because I don't even deserve to live, I will die the most horrible death I can think of. Dehydration. I look back at my life, even before I knew Demi, before I had my daughters and it wasn't all that great. I never realised how much I need these 3 girls in my life. The amount of times I've made love to Demi is in cave is unbelievable but true and I will die in the same cave where my love will always be.

I feel my surroundings turn white, it's time for me to become 16 again and time for me to die. I can't carry on life without my girls. I thought the room was going white until I hear my name being screamed then it went back to normal, I glance at the cave opening and see my wife and daughters stood there crying.

"Joe!" Demi rushes to my side but I'm too weak to react, soon my daughters join me on the ground and I feel my hands being held.

"Why are you doing this to yourself Joe?" Demi asks and I look up at her.

"I think he needs water." I hear Mia say and feel something against my lips, I move my focus and see Shanice trying to give me some drink, I swallow the water being forced down my throat mainly to prevent myself from choking. I feel a bit better now.

"I-I love you." I manage to choke out looking at all my girls and seeing them smile.

"We love you too." I hear them all say in unison then the room goes white. I find myself on the ground and feel myself a lot stronger, I carefully stand up and turn around see my spirit guide, that's what I call him. He smiles at me and walks over.

"Well done Joe, you did it, just in time." I smile knowing I won't need to die or re-do the next 16 years.

"What happened?"

"The 3 most important people in your life love you again, they told you they loved you and meant it. You will now return back to earth and live life normally, I hope your learnt your lesson otherwise I will be back and you won't have as many chances." I nod and thank him.

"I won't be back because I'm not going through that again. I know now I have to look after my family and I will keep them close until the day I die."

"Good to know. You are now in hospital, you collapsed of dehydration and hunger but you are back to normal, a 32 year old." I nod and find myself looking at a hospital room.

"He's awake!" I hear someone shout and feel bodies on mine hugging my tightly, I laugh as they pull away.

"I'm sorry girls." I say looking at them all.

"We should be the ones who's sorry." I smile and they ask what happened, I explain the whole story, I guess it's a bit unbelievable but I know it's the truth.

"I'm sorry for cheating Demi, I promise I will get a proper job and be with no one but you," She smiles and kisses my cheek. "Shanice, I hope we can have a proper relationship where your dad isn't a jerk and Mia I think we're fine anyway." They laugh a bit and I smile, I get a kiss of all of them. It's good to be back. 

Who Says You Only Have One Chance? A Jemi Short Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now