Episode 12

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Demi's POV-  

I look at the website Sel just opened and see it's one of those dating ones! There's no way I am off on that. I shut the lid and Sel turns to me giving me a evil look.

"I don't want to go on one of those! Who is going to date a single mother with 2 teenage girls." I say.

"Mia is only 11."

"So Shanice is 16!" I hear her sigh.

"Demi you need to get over him, he's a jerk and there's no way I'm going to let you take him back." She says making me sigh too.

"I won't take him back." I speak a lie.

"So you're telling me if he knocked on the door right now with a bunch of roses saying he's sorry, you won't take him back."

"I won't, I haven't even seen him since I kicked him out."

"Have you spoke to him?" She asks and I sigh.

"I did last night over the phone but it didn't sound like him." 

"See you can't even go a week without calling him!"

"It was to ask about the divorce Sel, I may not be over him but I still won't take him back." I start crying again, it's all just too much. I eventually convince Sel not to put me up on the dating website and we just watch movies eating ice-cream.

Joe's POV-

I meet Shanice at her locker and se start heading towards my house, I called my mom saying that I was coming back with Shanice and to pretend I was her great nephew coming to visit because my parents had died. We carry on walking while talking, I still learn lots about my daughter, what happened to us? If she knew I was her dad she would be walking the opposite way. When we get to a certain point Shanice looks around realizing where we are.

"This is the way to my Granny's house." She says and I sigh.

"That's cool." As we get to my Mom's house she realizes.

"Hang on, what's your last name?" She asks and I turn around to her.

"Miller why?"

"This is my Granny's house."

"This is my Great Aunt's house."

"I guess that makes us related."

"I guess it does." We walk into the house and into the kitchen where mom is cooking again, she never stops, I swear. 

"Hi Granny." Shanice greets and I greet her too but as my Great Aunt obviously. We go outside to talk since it's quite warm.

"I thought you said you had a younger sister?" She asks, I remember making up a bunch of stuff when she asked yesterday at her house.

"No, she's older." She nods and ends the conversation.

"So shall I help you?" I nod and we start talking about Friday, to be honest I will do what Shanice suggests but I won't be doing it all, I'll probably kiss her during the date and Shanice already told me that she wasn't virgin so it won't be all that hard to get into her pants. 

Who Says You Only Have One Chance? A Jemi Short Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now