Episode 5

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Joe's POV-

I walk down the streets carrying my bags, I knew something would happen as soon as I left my phone on my desk, I had a separate phone to phone and text girls and they just like to text sexy things. I have no idea where I'm going to go now, I never thought this through because it was obvious she was going to find out at some point, I'm just glad the girls didn't find the phone before Demi. I head towards one of the girls houses, I actually stopped going there so I could go home early but I wish I hadn't. I knock on the door slightly and the door opens a few moments later to reveal quite a tall blonde women in short skirt, a showing shirt and heels. I smile at how sexy she looks.

"Joe what are you doing here?" She asks and I sigh.

"My wife found out and kicked me out."

"Come in," She lets me in and I put my stuff down wrapping my arms around her and starting to suck her neck. She pushes away making me laugh. "You need to get yourself sorted Joe, you can't sleep on my couch forever."

"Fine I'll sleep in bed with you and never let you sleep." I smirk and she runs her hand up and down my chest making me moan. She turns me on and then stops making me look at her confused.

"Your actually going to stop there!"                 

"Yes now go find some proper work!" She lectures and I sigh looking down at  my erection poking out of my pants.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" I asks and she pushes me out the door. I start walking through the streets when I feel a huge impact on my whole body then everything went black.

I wake up and look around seeing white, nothing else, it was like I've gone into the clouds. I look around scared wondering where I am and who is around but nobody, I must be dreaming  because I thought things like this only happened in the movies. I sigh and sit down hoping I won't fall through, I just want to know where I am and what's happened.

"You have been a very unkind man." I hear a voice say and quickly look around.

"Who's there?" I ask.

"You have been a very unkind man." I hear repeated.

"Have not!" I defend.

"And why do you think that?" I stand up and look around again seeing a man in a long white dress, long hair and beard. He looks like what everyone describes god as, I look at him and then look around.

"Where am I?"

"You are on your way to hell." I must have been hit by a car or something.

"I haven't done anything wrong."  

"You have 2 options, go to hell and burn or go back to earth and change." He says ignoring my comment. I think about it and the choice to go with is clear.

"I'll go back to earth and change I guess."

"You have made your choice but there's something you should know."

"What?" I ask but that was it, I look around and see I'm in the local park. I start walking and everyone looks at me, what's happened?

Who Says You Only Have One Chance? A Jemi Short Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now