Episode 8

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The day goes by quickly and it's soon time to go home. I walk to my locker and hear someone shouting Adam, after a few moments Shanice walks over.

"I was calling you!" She says and I realise my name is Adam for now.

"Oh sorry."

"You want to come to my house and work on the project?" I was hoping not to be in any of Shanice's classes so that we wouldn't get projects together but that hasn't worked out. If we go to my house mom is there but if we go to her house Demi is there and I know for sure she will recognise me. We started dating when we were 15 so she should know who I am if I'm 16 now.

"Um sure." I say and we start walking towards her house.

"Do you know where I live or something?" She asks and I look at her confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Well you seem to know where you're going." I guess I should make it look like I don't when I really do.

"I'm just following you." We walk together getting to know each other, I never realised how much I don't know about my own daughter. We reach a familiar house and walk through a familiar door.

"Mom I'm home!" She shouts and I hear Demi shout back. I look around and still see mine and Demi's wedding pictures up, I bet you she still loves me. We sit down at the table and start doing work, once I left school I was hoping never to go back but to be honest I would never have thought anything like this would have happened. We work for about half an hour until Demi walks in looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Do I know you?" She asks.

"I don't know you so why would you know me if I don't know you." I say obviously nervous.

"What?" Demi and Shanice say in unison.

"I don't know you." She nods.

"Mom this is Adam, he's new." Shanice introduces and I smile at Demi who looks as beautiful as ever.

"Huh that's weird, my husband's middle name was Adam." She says and I smile, she's not over me yet.

"Sorry about her, she just divorced my dad and not over it yet." Shanice whispers to me and I laugh a bit.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing mom." I look at Demi who is shaking her head.

"I guess I will leave you kids to it." She says and walks back into the kitchen. We carry on working and Shanice asks me a bunch of questions like do you have any brothers or sisters, do you live with your mom or dad and to be honest I just made it up. We eventually finish the project and we tidy up.

"How are you getting home?"

"Walk why?"

"Where do you live?"

"Not far away, I'll see you at school tomorrow I guess." She nods and I smile walking out. At least Demi didn't figure it out. 

Who Says You Only Have One Chance? A Jemi Short Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now