Episode 17

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"I don't know what to do!" I say frustrated.

"Calm down, your here so I can give you some clues. It's against the rules to tell you."

"Oh what is it then."

"There's a catch though."

"What?" I ask started to get agitated. 

"Once I tell you the clue you have exactly one week to change otherwise you can't change back and you will have to re-do the last 16 years of your life again." I sigh and start thinking about it, should I or not? I suppose I need to get back but what if I don't figure it out in a week? I decide to take the risk. 

"Tell me the clue please."

"Family." He says simply and I look around seeing I'm back in my living room. I sit down and start thinking about what family could do with it. Before I was turned I just ruined my relationship with my wife and daughters so much that I hardly ever saw them and I was about to leave them for good. Could it be that I have to build my relationship back up with them? I think me and Shanice already have a good relationship but I will start with her, building it up more and being honest with her. I get up and put my shoes and jacket on heading towards my family's house. When I reach there I ring the doorbell and the door opens to reveal Shanice.

"Hey Shanice, can I talk to you?"

"Sure." She smiles and lets me in, she leads me up to her room and we both sit on her bed.

"Um I know you're probably going to scream at me but I've been cheating on Lizzie and before you scream at me I just want you to know I feel really bad about it and I want your help on how I should tell her," I say looking down at the floor, after a few seconds of hearing silence I look up at Shanice who is just staring at me. "Shanice?" I say waving my hand in-front of her.

"Why did you do it?" She asks and I sigh.

"I-I don't know," I say honestly. "But slap me and scream at me because I deserve it."

"Your obviously sorry about it if you want me to slap you." I look up at her and smile as she smiles back.

"But how do I tell her?"

"Do you want me to?" She asks and I nod.

"Thanks Shanice." I give her a hug then walk out going downstairs.

"Hi Adam!" Mia greets and I smile giving her a hug.

"Hi Mia, how are you."

"I'm alright." I smile and pick her up spinning her around making her laugh, I put her back on her feet and kiss her little cheek. My relationship with Mia should be fine now just Demi but I have no idea what to do with her, she's double my age at the moment. Mia runs upstairs after saying bye and I walk into the kitchen.

"Hey Miss Jonas." I greet and she turns around looking at me.

"Oh hi Adam." I stand next to her and look at her.

"Heard anything from your husband yet?" I asks and she sighs.

"He's out of the country and said he's not coming back."

"So what's happening now then?" I ask and she shrugs.

"Stay married forever to a guy that's a jerk." I look down knowing  it's me who's done this.

Who Says You Only Have One Chance? A Jemi Short Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now