Episode 14

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Shanice's POV-

"You did what?!" I scream at Lizzie not believing what she just said.

"Well we kinda had sex."

"On first date!" I exclaim and she laughs.

"It was my fault, he kissed me and we started making out, I ran my hand up and down his chest and it kinda turned him on."

"So you made him horny for you. "

"Pretty much."

"Well details?" I ask and she laughs. She goes through everything that happened that night and I feel a bit unwanted, I never really had a boyfriend before, my dad has always been a bit protective when it came to boys but I guess that can change now, I don't even want to see him anymore. We basically have a girly chat and then decide to go swimming. We walk downstairs and see my mom and Mia are already in the pool messing about a bit.

"Doesn't matter them being there does it?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"Of course not, you mom is cool." I laugh and we get in the pool. We all mess about a bit until we get disturbed.

"Hey Demi." We turn around and see my Uncle Nick at the gate.

"Hey Nick come through." Nick walks over and takes his shoes of dangling his feet in the pool. Mia splashes him and we laugh.

"Thanks for that Mia." He says making us laugh again. We carry on while mom talks to him on the side of the pool, I over hear some things about what my dad say and let's just did if I ever see him again he might want to go into hiding.

"Lizzie your phone is buzzing." Mom says making Lizzie get out of the pool and grab her phone.

"Is it Adam." I tease and she shoots a glare.

"It is actually."

"I remember Shanice telling me out your date, how did it go." 

"All the way." I mumble making Lizzie glare at me again.

"It was good thanks." Lizzie replies.

"Is he coming over?" I ask and she nods climbing back into the pool. It doesn't take him long to arrive looking stupid as ever.  

"Um hey Nick."

"Oh hey J-Adam." I look at him weird and Adam runs to Nick and pushes him in the pool. We all burst out laughing including mom which is weird. 

"Hey Mrs. Jonas." He greets my mom which is weird. I think she said she was staying as a Jonas just easier then to change everything, I want us all to go and have our names changed to Lovato and pretend dad was never in our lives.

"That's why you looked familiar, you're a Jonas."

"I thought you said your last name was Miller."

"It is, my Great Aunt is Shanice's Gran."

"I get it, I thought you looked familiar the other day." Adam sits down next to my mom but it doesn't take long for him to be dragged in by Uncle Nick. We laugh as they fight in the pool, most of the water ended up on the grass. 

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