Episode 7

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A week later

Demi's POV-

I put a plate in-front of the girls and grab my sitting with them.

"Mom." I hear Mia say making me look up at her.


"Will we ever see dad again?" She asks and I sigh.

"It's up to you, I'm not gonna stop you." I reply and she nods.

"What did he actually do?" Shanice asks and I look down at my meal.

"I'd rather not talk about it."

"Why not? We should know why our dad isn't living with us anymore." I sigh.

"I've said you can see him, I'm not stopping you."

"I'd rather not." I really don't know what happened to Shanice and Joe. When Shanice was younger she loved her dad and they we're inseparable, she used to cry until he held her but know it's the complete opposite, she prefers not to see him at all. We finish eating talking about random things then I wash up. We decide to watch a movie before bed but all end up falling asleep on the couch.

Shanice's POV-

I get into school the next morning with my best friend Lizzie, I've been off school for the last week looking after mom, she's been a emotional wreck but I think and hope she's finally getting over him. We walk into school and up to our lockers opening them up and putting the stuff we don't need for the next few lessons in. She turns and looks at me.

"So why was you at home?" I sigh and turn back to her.

"My mom's kicked my dad out and she was a wreck."

"What why?"

"Something he did, I think he cheated or something," I tell her and look at her. "I always thought he was a dick." We both laugh and walk towards first lesson. We sit down in our usual seat but I see the usual empty spot is now full with a boy, never seen him before but does look a bit familiar.

"Hi I'm Lizzie." Lizzie greets and I introduce myself as well.

"I'm Adam." 

"Or hottie." Lizzie whispers in my ear making me smack her.

Joe's POV-

"Nice to meet you Adam." Shanice says making me nod, at least she doesn't know it's me. It's weird sat here next to my daughter in school. Throughout the whole lesson they giggle and mess about, let's put it this way I now know why Shanice's report cards aren't all that good. The time comes near the end of the lesson and the teacher is giving out assignments.

"Adam you can go with Shanice."

"I can't."

"Why not?" He asks and I sigh.

"I just can't."

"Work with Lizzie then." I sigh again and agree to work with Shanice, Lizzie is too annoying

Who Says You Only Have One Chance? A Jemi Short Love StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang