Chapter 49-A Sudden Change In Home

Start from the beginning

Nathan stops walking, makes a right turn, and enters the bedroom. I walk in to notice that this must be Nathan's room. Yay.......

"This is where you'll be sleeping."

"B-but this is your room," I stutter.

"I know. You're going to sleep in here.........with me," he smiles after a short pause.

Oh good god.........

As I feel my muscles begin to grow tense, I feel Nathan's soft hand become placed on my shoulder trying to calm me down, but his touch only freaked me out more.....

"You stay here and unpack and I'll go get us some lunch," Nathan tells me.

Following his command, I walk over to my suitcases and begin to put all my stuff away. When I open the closet to put my clothes away, I notice that the closet is full of sexy lingerie from Victoria's Secret. Black lacy bras and underwear. Tons of them. And these all look like these articles of clothing look like they belong to very skinny girls with big boobs and a nice size ass. Supermodels basically. I roll my eyes at his immaturity and then place all my clothes in the drawers. This guy's a sex craver. He can't live without it.

"I'm back," Nathan calls when he walks back into the room approximately 10 minutes later with a small pizza in his hand, "Elizabeth?"

Please don't find me missing I pray to myself as I begin climbing down the side of his mansion. I need to get back to the boys. I can't stand not seeing them......

I found a rope in the back corner of the closet and decided to throw it down the side of the house, like Rapunzel. This is my best bet if I wanna try to get out of this nuthouse. After I threw the rope and tied it down, I noticed that the rope fell approximately 20 feet short to the ground, which means that it I'm dead serious about escaping, which I am, I'm gonna have to jump 20 feet and pray that I land safely on the ground.

I begin climbing down the wall, one step at a time, and are careful not to make any noise. I hear Nathan shuffling upstairs, clearly trying to find me. I get about halfway down the wall when I hear the window open, and that's when I fall straight to the ground an extra 30 feet or so, falling flat on my back. I stand up, brush myself off, and take off running straight for home. Oh god that hurt....

"Come back!!!" Nathan yells.

Hah, yeah right........I don't think so.

I run down the block with Nathan running right at my heels. Damn he runs fast......

I turn the bend and then run down a small alleyway and hide in a bush. When I watch Nathan run by, I realize that the coast is clear so I come out from hiding. I hear a sudden loud rattling noise behind me, causing me to jump.

"Hello?" I call, "is anybody out there?"

I begin walking through the alleyway, constantly turning around and watching my back to make sure that no one will sneak up on me. I turn around when I see Nathan darting toward me. I scream and take off running at high speed, desperate to escape. I cross the street and then turn left as I continue trying to outrun Nathan, even though I'm sure he'll catch up to me any moment now. I turn the corner and slam into someone, falling down on the sidewalk.

"Watch where you're going!" He yells.

"Sor-Harry?!?" I whisper excitedly.


"Oh my god Harry! I've never been so happy to see you in my entire life!" I cheer as I wrap my arms around his neck and give him a big hug.

I finally finish hugging Harry and when I do, Nathan finally catches up, out of breath. He evilly smirks and then smiles at Harry.

"There you are......" he mumbles as he slowly approaches me with his arms held wide out.

Before he can get his filthy hands on me, I quickly hide behind Harry's back. I know he'll protect me. Nathan chuckles to himself before he eventually speaks up.

"She's mine now," Nathan glares.

"I understand," Harry replies.

"So then hand her over," Nathan commands.

After a moment of thinking things over, Harry finally comes out and says no.

"Hand her over or she'll die.......and so will her son," he threatens.

"You wouldn't dare touch them," I gasp.

"Try me," Nathan smirks, obviously up to no good.

Being surprised by his actions, I suddenly feel Harry grab my wrists and shoves me over to Nathan. He evilly laughs once I've landed in his arms.

"Harry what are you doing?!?" I snap.

"It's for your own safety. I just want to protect you," he answers.

"And so you're giving me over to HIM!?!" I reply, pointing up to Nathan.

"Hey!" Nathan shouts, clearly offended, "now get out of my sight before I take you too."

Harry nods, turns around, and is suddenly stopped by three big men.

"You may have destroyed Max, but that doesn't mean that I don't want revenge," Nathan glares as the three guys take Harry into custody, holding him hostage.

When I get a good look at the guys' faces, I instantly recognize them. It's Jay, Siva, and Tom, Nathan's band mates. Well, now I see why they called themselves The Wanted......

I struggle to break Nathan's hold of me, but he's too strong.

"Take them away," Nathan calls as he shoves me suddenly in Jay's arms, "stop struggling Elizabeth. You caused this by trying to run away."

I bend my head down in shame when I witness Nathan walk over to Harry and snatches his phone out of his pocket. He puts Harry's phone in his coat pocket and begins to chuckle to himself.

"Thanks for the help Harry......" Nathan laughs while he rubs Harry's phone in his face, "I couldn't have done it without you."

"You tricked me," Harry grumbles.

"You set me up!" I yell at Harry, "how could you?!? I trusted you! I thought we were friends....."

Harry's face becomes gutted when he hears me say friends. Oh please don't tell me that what I'm thinking is true.......

"Yeah, well, we all think things," Nathan mumbles to himself, "now get these two out of my sight."

And just like that, Harry and I are dragged away by Jay, Siva, and Tom back to Nathan's mansion.

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