Chapter 48-Save Me

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"Is he gonna get me?" I ask.

"GUYS GET DOWN HERE!!!" Louis yells.

"What?" They all ask.

As Louis explains the current situation, I hide behind Louis, gripping his shirt for support. I'm honestly scared out of my mind. I look behind me when I notice Louis' phone lit up over on the stairs. I walk over and get it when I notice that it's another text message from the unknown number. My question is, why does this person only communicate with Louis?

"Oh god......" I mumble.

"Why do you have my phone?" Louis asks, suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

"God you scared me," I state while I try to catch my breath, "you left it on the stairs and I noticed that you had a new text message-"

"So you just spy on me and read my text messages?!? Quit snooping in other people's business that doesn't concern you," he snaps.

"I'm........I'm sorry," I whimper.

"It's from the unknown number," Louis tells us.

"What's it say?" Harry asks, although he sounds very annoyed and bored when he asks it.

"Hey babe, I hope you're good in bed because that's exactly where you're gonna be with me........." Louis answers.

My face drops when I hear Louis read the message out loud. This guy is making me sick, and so is Louis' attitude about the whole thing. He thinks that someone else is actually the father of Dylan, yet Dylan looks exactly like Louis. I have no idea what's going on in his head when he said that because to me it makes no sense.

" what?" Zayn asks.

As if right on cue, Louis' phone buzzes again. One new text message. He opens the message up and reads it aloud.

"Bring the girl to me and no one gets hurt," Louis reads.

I look at the boys expressions when I suddenly notice Harry slip his phone back into his pocket. No fucking way.............

He can't seriously be the guy. It doesn't make sense how he could pull it off.......

"Should I go to him-"

"That's exactly what he wants!" Niall yells.

"I don't need you guys to get into more trouble," I whimper.

"We can protect ourselves," Liam states.

"Really? Are you sure about that?" I question as I try to hold back my laughter.

Seeming utterly powerless, I sulk upstairs and pack my stuff. I walk over to Dylan in his baby crib and give him a gentle kiss before I burst into tears. I'm gonna miss them so much.....

But, I should leave Dylan here with the boys. It won't be safe for him where I'm going. I'm never gonna raise Dylan. I won't be there for his first birthday, his first Christmas, any of those special family and childhood memories. He's gonna end up spending his entire life wonder what ever happened to his mother.....

"Do you need help?" Harry asks.

"No........I'm fine," I whisper.

I shut the door in Harry's face, making sure I don't slam it, and just go back to packing. When I become interrupted again by Harry, I slam the door in his face this time. I just can't stand to pretend everything's OK because it's not. I'm losing five boys I love and my son. These are people in my life that just can't be replaced.

"Hey," I hear a soft voice greet.

"Eleanor!" I cheer as I wrap my arms around her and give her a big hug, "when did you get home?"

"Just now," she smiles, "this is Casey Leigh Tomlinson."

"Aww," I blush, "she's adorable and looks just like her mother."

Eleanor giggles at my comment and then notices my suitcases packed.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

"Somewhere. Some guy's threatening to cause trouble if I don't go to him. I'm not sure who it is," I reply.

"That's terrible!" She yells, "well I'm sure the boys must have a plan."

"Actually," I correct, "they don't."

I haul my luggage onto my shoulders and arms and then proceed downstairs, leaving Eleanor upstairs alone. As I walk down the stairs, the suitcases that I own that have wheels on them bang on every step while on the way down. I'm not even halfway down the steps and their noise is already pissing me off. I step on the foyer's tile floor, drop my luggage, and walk out into the kitchen where the boys are gathered around discussing things.

"I'm ready to go," I clear my throat.

"I'm gonna miss you," Zayn whispers as he gives me a hug.

"It's gonna suck not having you here with us," Niall mumbles.

"Well then come and save me before I leave because I really don't wanna lose you guys," I cry as I wipe my tears away.

"There's nothing we can do. He's just gonna hurt us-"

"You took down your band and Max with no problem. What's different about this guy?!?" I snap, thinking that they're just too lazy to be Superman.

After no one answers, I just shrug my shoulders and sigh. If they can't do anything about the situation, then I will. After I give the rest of the boys a hug, Harry helps carry my luggage out to his car with me. When we've finish loading my bags, I step back into the foyer one more time to say my temporary final goodbye.

"Take care of Dylan for me," I whimper as I obviously fail at fighting back tears.

"C'mon let's go," Harry whispers as he escorts me out.

I hop in the passengers seat of Harry's Range Rover and remain silent for the entire drive over to some address that the boys were given at some point. I'm not sure exactly when.....

When we arrive at the house, my makeup is completely ruined, making me look like a clown. I glance at Harry and give him a hug before I grab my bags and leave him.

"Please come back soon to rescue me," I whisper in his ear before I give him a quick kiss on his cheek.

I hop out of the car, collect my bags, and sulk along the pathway to the front door of the mansion. I ring the doorbell and once Harry is out of sight, the door opens.

"Hello," he greets in an evil tone.

"Hello," I grumble,"......................................................Nathan Sykes."

Trapped 3: Together Forever (Sequel To Trapped 2: The Truth Unmasked)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin