Chapter 28-Crazy?

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After the boys just barely get through the concert, we rush home to help take care of Eleanor. We arrive inside only to find her hurled over in front of the toilet, clutching her stomach. Yup, it's pregnancy sickness alright. I can tell, considering this is my second time getting pregnant.

"Hey El," Louis greets as he approaches his girlfriend.

"Fuck you," Eleanor groans, "you did this to me."

I giggle at the thought of someone else seeing what it's like to have morning sickness, and then I look down and my smile disappears when I realize that I had to go through this much more and much earlier than she did. I wish I never got pregnant........ I actually sometimes wish that I was still a virgin.......

"So you're really pregnant?" Niall asks.

"Yeah," Eleanor whimpers, too weak to speak up.

"For some reason you don't seem too thrilled about that," Harry notices.

"Well that's because I feel like shit right now, but other than that I'm thrilled."

I let out a loud yawn, causing Harry, Liam, and Niall to avert their attention over to me.

"Someone's tired," Harry smiles cheekily.

"This baby is exhausting," I yawn.

"You should get some rest," Liam tells me.

"No, I'm f-f-" I cut myself off with a yawn, "I'm fine. I swear. I'm just a little sleepy."

"A little? You look like you could fall asleep right here, right now," Liam laughs.

"How far along are you again?" Niall asks.

"About five months. Why?" I reply with a question.

"W-well, you look a lot farther along than someone that's only five months. You look like you could go into labor right now. You just seem a lot bigger than normal," Niall explains.

"I know how far along I am," I state.

"Come on, let's get you up and into bed," Harry whispers as he links arms with me to help me get upstairs.

"I feel like a hippo," I mumble as Harry and I begin walking up the stairs, causing him to chuckle, "it's not funny!"

"It kinda is," Harry smiles as he continues laughing.

Once we get up the stairs, I begin to walk ahead of Harry, anxious to hop into my bed and go to sleep. I open my bedroom door to feel the cool air coming out from the air conditioner in my window. Harry comes in behind me and just admires my room. I have a feeling that this boy is getting ideas in his head, and they are not happening. I roll my eyes when I see a smile spread across Harry's face when he lays his eyes on the bed.

"I'll just......uh......give you some time to......yanno.......get changed," Harry stutters as he awkwardly backs out of my room.

I smile at Harry's awkwardness and then walk over and shut my door once Harry has left. I turn around and head over to my window to close the blinds so I can change into my pajamas. I wrap my hand around the stick that turns the blinds closed when I unexpectedly see a figure on the other side of the window. I shriek and jump back, taken by surprise. Harry bursts through the door not even a second later, desperate to find out what I'm screaming about.

"Liz? What's wrong?!?!" Harry freaks out as he bursts through the door.

"I-he.....h-he......" I stutter, not feeling as though I can make a complete sentence with my nervousness.

"What?" Harry asks, confused.

"Harry.......window," I whisper shakily as I point to the window.

Harry walks over to the window that I was pointing at. He pulls the blinds up and tries to look out to see if he can see what I'm losing my mind over. I swear I saw something out there. And it wasn't just a something, it was a someone. And I know I wasn't just hallucinating it because of my tiredness, I truly did see it.

"I don't see anything," Harry tells me as he closes the blinds.

"I swear I saw someone on the other side of the window," I state, scared.

"You're probably just imagining things because you're so tired. You should get some rest-"

"I can't sleep now knowing that there's someone out there!" I yell.

"You'll be fine. They can't get you," Harry reassures me.

"And how do you know that?" I ask.

"Because the windows and doors are locked," he answers, "just go to sleep."

I sigh and then push Harry out of my room so I can get changed. I pull out my tank top and sweats to change into my favorite Coca-Cola pajamas. When I'm done, I hop into my bed and bundle up. I turn off my bedroom light and begin to drift off to sleep, dreaming about the face I saw to see if I can figure out who it was considering the face is still fresh in my mind.

I wake up about an hour later, feeling the presence of another laying beside me. I roll over and turn on the lamp that's sitting on the side table beside my bed to see who it is. When the light flicks on, I nearly fall out of my bed in surprise.

"Y-y-you're back!" I cheer happily.

"Am I?" He asks in a semi-evil tone.

I let out a yawn, causing me to shut my eyes and stretch. When I open my eyes, I'm left dumbfounded. He's gone! B-b-but, how?!? How did he disappear so fast? It doesn't make any sense. Maybe Harry's right, maybe I am just hallucinating......

He seemed so real. I swear he was lying in bed next to me. I stumble to get to my feet to investigate. When I stand up, I immediately head over to the closet to check, but find nothing. I check in the back of the closet only to find a sticky note taped to the back wall of the closet. I peel the note off the wall, nearly falling in the process, and read it.

I missed u :( Hope 2 c u again soon :) xoxo.

So I wasn't imagining things........

I did see Zayn on the other side of my window and in my bed.

But it still doesn't make sense that he disappeared in the blink of an eye.....

Trapped 3: Together Forever (Sequel To Trapped 2: The Truth Unmasked)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon