Chapter 42-Can I Have This Dance?

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"Were you guys arguing downstairs?" Zayn asks as he opens up his bedroom door.

"No," I mutter.

I walk inside and walk over to Zayn's bed and then lay down on it. I cover my face with my hands as I begin to feel tears form in my eyes. My hands are suddenly removed from my face when I notice Zayn lying on top of me. He smirks but then I just pull my hands away and recover my face. Zayn gets up and walks over to his dresser to grab some clothes.

"Are you tired?" He asks.

"Yes," I mumble.

"Here. Catch," he calls as he tosses me a pair of his boxers and one of his T-shirts. I look at the front of the T-shirt to notice that it has Fuck You written on the front. I remember seeing Zayn wearing this shirt before. I strip off my sweatpants and tank top to put on the clothes that Zayn gave me. When I finish changing, I tuck myself in under the covers and begin to drift off to sleep.

It's killing me not being with Liam.............

I miss him.............

*Liam's POV*

"That bastard....." I mutter as I watch Liz head upstairs with Zayn to sleep together.

"Are you jealous?" Harry asks.

"I just can't stand seeing with her with him. She's making a mistake......." I mumble.

"You just miss her......." Harry whispers as he pats my shoulder.

"I don't just miss her.........I'm in love with her........" I admit.

"So then win her back."

"How?!?" I wonder, "she hates me-"

"She doesn't hate you. She thinks that you hate her-"

"I could never hate her-"

"Well then prove that to her!" Harry yells.


"What does she love?" Harry asks.

"Dance and music," I answer.

"OK, put that stuff together. Did she ever go to prom?"

"No. Nobody asked her and she wasn't that into it."

"Well then get her into it. Surprise her. Plan something romantic," Harry encourages.

"But what if it doesn't work?" I ask after a couple moments of hard thinking.

"If it doesn't work then I don't think it's worth trying to win Liz back......" Harry whispers, "let's plan a mini prom."

I watch as Harry dashes down the basement and when I hear the sudden noise of shifting objects, I decide to go downstairs to see what all the racket's about. I watch as Harry pushes objects over to the walls of the basement to make room in the center to represent the dance floor.

"Thank you so much for helping me with this," I tell Harry.

"Anything for my best friend."

When Harry shuffles everything out of the way, he heads upstairs to get more supplies for my mini prom with Liz. When he disappears, I have a seat in the chair that we always trapped Liz in. Oh, the memories I've had with her.......

I just hope this plan works.......

"Wow. This place looks AMAZING!!" I cheer when I notice Harry's finished project.

"Hey, it gave me something to do," Harry chuckles, "oh, I forgot something."

I give Harry a look of confusion. What could he possibly have forgotten?!? I follow him as he runs upstairs to his bedroom when suddenly he opens up his closet and shoves a bag in my face. I step back, startled by his sudden action.

Trapped 3: Together Forever (Sequel To Trapped 2: The Truth Unmasked)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum