Chapter 2-The Comeback Kids

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"It's been a while since I've been back here," I notice.

"We've missed you," Louis says as he wraps his arms around my neck.

"I know you guys have and I've missed you guys too," I tell him as he gives me a kiss on my nose.

The guys unlock the front door only for me to realize that this house hasn't changed one bit since I've left. I immediately have the boys carry my luggage up to my room and I tell them that I'll be up in a little while to organize it all.

The guys make their way downstairs and they tell me that they need to talk to me. I sit directly in the middle of the couch while they all hover above me. Niall clears his throat and is the first to speak.

"We've decided to get back into the music industry," Niall begins.

"And when did you guys decide this?" I ask.

"Hmm, like, three minutes or so before we found you on the sidewalk," Louis says.

"Do you guys really think that you guys can make a successful comeback?" I ask, thinking that their fan base won't be as large as it was when they first became a band.

"We hope to. We plan to get the word out before we actually start-" Liam begins.

"We should do a comeback show. We have the fans pick the songs that they want us to sing and then we sing them at the comeback show," Harry interrupts.

"That's a brilliant idea," Zayn states.

"And then a tour," Liam continues.

"That's great guys but......." I trail off.

"But what?" Louis asks.

"What am I supposed to do if you guys go on tour?" I ask.

"You see, that was exactly what I was talking about before you guys freaked out when we found Liz," Harry says as he gives the boys an I told you so look.

"You can come with us," Niall says.

"But, won't I just get in the way and be a distraction?" I ask, feeling a bit uneasy about traveling on the road sleeping and waking up at strange hours of the day.

"Of course not! In fact, I think we'd do even better knowing that you're there with us," Zayn says proudly.

"So are you in?" Niall asks excitedly.

"I don't know guys," I sigh.

"PLEASEEEE!!!!" They all beg, putting on their best puppy dog face.

"I guess I can go with you guys, but only if it's not a problem with your management," I tell them.

"YES!" They all cheer.

"Let's get the word out," Louis instructs.

Not even a second later, all the boys dash off in different directions, pulling out their phones to get on Twitter, Facebook, Skype, Instagram, Tumblr, Kik, YouTube, any social network site you can think of, they will be on it. Harry calls up Paul and tells him the great news. I overhear his conversation only to realize that Paul doesn't believe that they can do it. He doesn't believe that they can make a worthy enough comeback.

But for some reason..................

I have enough faith in them and their fans that they can make the best boy band comeback ever........

Trapped 3: Together Forever (Sequel To Trapped 2: The Truth Unmasked)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz