Chapter 31-Caught In A Trap

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"What the hell was that all about?!?" Liam's father yells sternly, referring to the "little announcement" on the news.

Feeling like this is all my fault, I push past Liam and just run for the car, too guilty to stay another minute in his household. Liam probably feels like an idiot right now, I know I do. His parents probably think that he's stupid for staying with me when I'm pregnant with Louis' baby. I rest my head back in the seat to give me some time to think about what's probably going on inside, but what the hell was going on through Zayn's head when he did that little stunt?!? Now everyone probably thinks I'm a slut and they probably think that Louis is a pig.

*Liam's POV*

"We encouraged her to get rid of Eleanor because we thought she was using Louis for fame and money. We didn't think that Liz would go and sleep with Louis," I say weakly, feeling a lump in my throat.

"Liam-" Nicola begins.

"It was an accident. She's not the way you think she is," I cut her off. I don't wanna hear them talking shit about my girlfriend. They have no right to. They don't know her like I do.

"Liam," my mom speaks up, "are you happy?"

"Y-yeah. Yeah I am," I say as most likely the stupidest smile in the world appears on my face.

"Well then..........if she makes you happy, then I'm happy."

"Son, you're making a stupid mistake. If she's gonna go and sleep with another man, resulting in a pregnancy, then it's best if you-"

"Stop! You have no right to talk about her like that and think of her as a slut because that is FAR from the truth!" I shout, hating to hear my family hating on my girlfriend, "Liz is the best thing that has ever happened to me and so is that baby and if you can't accept that then I guess you guys aren't truly my family after all."

Feeling my face heat up from my anger, I turn around and leave the house, slamming the door behind me, resulting in my family becoming speechless. I walk down the stone pathway that leads to the driveway only to notice that my car isn't in the driveway. SHIT!!!

Oh god this is bad.......

"God why didn't I go out with her when she left," I mutter to myself as I run my hands through my hair.

Where the hell did she go?!?!

Realizing that she most likely has her phone on her, I whip out mine and dial her number. After numerous rings, I finally hear her sweet voice.

"Liz! Where are you?!?" I panic.

"I took your car. I'm on my way to the hos-" she begins before my phone dies.

"OH COME ON!!!" I scream, "this is ridiculous."

I have a feeling she's going to the hospital, I'm pretty sure. There aren't any other places that I know of that begin with hos. I dash back into the house to see my mother in tears, my sisters by her side comforting her, and who knows where my dad got off to.

"I need to borrow someone's car. NOW!" I blurt.

"Why? What's the matter?" Ruth asks.

"Liz is on her way to the hospital. She took my car. And I have a hunch that she may be in labor," I tell them.

"I don't think she would be driving if she was in labor, sweetie," my mother replies.

"You never know with Liz," I mumble, "can someone just please loan me their car for like a half hour. I need to see Liz."

"Here," Nicola calls as she throws me her car keys, "just don't scratch my car."

"No promises," I whisper as I run outside to her car.

Trapped 3: Together Forever (Sequel To Trapped 2: The Truth Unmasked)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum