Chapter 47-Your Worst Nightmare

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Everything seems to be going nice and smoothly so far. No more drama really, thank god. I head downstairs after flossing my teeth from lunch when I see Louis drinking a beer.

"Can I have some?" I ask.

"Why?" Louis snaps.

"Geez. You're awfully pissy lately-"

"Well I have a pretty damn good reason to be pissed at you!"

"Louis.......what are you-"

"Oh don't play stupid anymore! This game is no longer working with me."

"I honestly have no clue what you're angry about," I tell him.

"A little birdie told me that I'm not the biological father of Dylan," Louis explains.

"Who's a little birdie?" I ask.

"I don't know. When they text me or call me it says unknown. When I answer the voice is disguised."

"You were the last guy I slept with and I didn't get pregnant from Liam. I swear."

"And why should I believe you?"

"Louis you HAVE to believe me! I'm telling the truth. Why would I lie to you?"

"Because you lie about everything-"

"Oh, and you don't?!?" I snap.

"I do it to protect you-"

"Protect me?!? You shoved me down a flight of stairs and murdered my daughter!!"

"That's because I wasn't given a choice!"

"So you actually think that Dylan may actually be someone else's son?" I ask.


"He looks EXACTLY like you Louis!!" I shout, "why would you even think about trying to call me a slut?"

"Well, you did sleep around with all of us-"

"Louis, get your facts straight before you go around making assumptions about me that you don't even know are true!!!!" I shout, feeling heartbreaking tears fall from my eyes.

My life is literally headed in a downward spiral right now. It's out of control. First, my relationship with Liam came crashing down, and now this! Can this get any worse?!? What kind of sick person would spread these horrid rumors about me?!? It can't be Annabelle. She isn't given any phone privileges whatsoever. None of the guys would do this to me, not even Liam for all of our arguing.

"Louis," I call, "give me your phone."

"Why?" He asks.

"So I can call the jackass and kick their fucking ass because what they did was so uncalled for. They had no right to do that! They don't know me. They think they do, but they don't."

"Ugh, fine," Louis groans as he pulls out his phone from his pocket and hands it to me, "here."

"Thanks," I mutter as I look through his recent calls.

I click on the unknown phone number and then press the call button, hearing ringing on the other end. After a few seconds of ringing, I hear a voice on the other line, but it's definetly edited.

"I wanna know who you are and why you are spreading those vicious, untrue rumors about me. I did not have sex with you, and I never will!" I yell into the phone.

"Easy babe, easy. There'll come a time when we can finally me face to face. But until then, you're just gonna have to deal with listening to this recording voice," he chuckles.

"Who are you?" I demand to know.

After a few short moments of silence, he finally answers, "I'm your worst nightmare. I'm more powerful than anyone can ever imagine. You have no idea what I'm capable of and I'm not too sure that you wanna find out either."

"WHO ARE YOU?!? What is your name?!?" I shout.

"You'll find out......." he mysteriously mumbles before he hangs up the phone.

He answered none of my questions.....

He just made me afraid.........

"Louis........I'm scared......." I whisper.

"To be honest, I am a little bit too," he replies as he gives me a gentle hug and kisses the top of my head.

I just hope that we're not in any danger.......

Oh who am I kidding?!? We're toast..........

Trapped 3: Together Forever (Sequel To Trapped 2: The Truth Unmasked)Where stories live. Discover now