Chapter 1 - Rejections

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It was hard to not admire such a beautiful piece of meat, his hair always looked perfect and don’t get me started on his face. “Sex with me.” He winked, I only turned away from him, he was a total tool and didn't understand why people loved him so much. “I don’t need any STDs right now, I'm only 19.”

He didn't speak after that, mainly because we got told to start our papers, I flicked through it, too easy.

After class I walked back to my dorm, which I shared with Isabel, on most nights, if I felt like it I would drive 15 minutes down the road and stay at home. I sat on my bed and flicked through some notes I had taken from previous classes. Isabel was still in class, and wouldn’t be back for another 20 minutes. I had nothing to do.

I showered and put on some sweatpants and a cropped Hollister t-shirt. I grabbed my book from the shelf; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, I lay down on my bed and picked up where I left off.

I made it three pages before Isabel got back. “You are seriously reading that again?” she groaned, “Yeah, why?” she sat on her bed. “Because you have read it like ten times…” I shrugged and put the book down. “There's nothing better to do.”

That’s when she got a devilish grin, “That’s not true. There's a party, it starts at 7, nobody from here will be there.” How she knew about these things, I didn't know. “How do you know?” the idea of a party with people I didn't know always excited me. “My cousin texted me, it’s at a house so we can drink!” I sighed, “Last time I had to drag you home.” She nodded. “This time you will be drinking too, I snooped in your schedule, nothing important tomorrow.”

I threw my pillow at her in defeat. “I have to go home and grab my clothes! I left all my washing there.” I complained, “Well, lets go then!”

We pulled up at my parents’ house, and walked in, my youngest sister who was only 6 came running up to me. “Lissa! You’re home.” I hugged her “Yeah, but not for long, I got study to do.” she frowned, “Where’s mum?” I said, detaching her from my leg. “Upstairs.” I nodded and Isabel and I walked upstairs. I went into my room and looked at the pile of freshly washed clothes. “I was wondering when you were going to come for that.”

My mother spoke from my doorframe, “Yeah, been a little busy. But I cant stay, we have stuff to do.” she nodded. “Run along then.”

We left and went back to college. We had a little over an hour to get ready, and every bit of that time was valuable.

Here’s the thing about me, I'm your average girl, boring, smart and all the rest. But when it comes to people I don’t know, and night times, I'm completely different. Pour alcohol into my system and it enhances.

I put in my contact lenses, which I only wore going out, put some makeup on, did my hair and dressed to the occasion. “Girl, you look hot!” Isabel said, laughing “Yeah well, just in case there is someone I know there, they won’t know me.” I winked. “Yes, well we best get going.” I nodded, “Did you call a cab?” she opened the door, not bothering to answer me.

We got to the party a little after it had started, “Ready?” Isabel asked, I linked my arm with hers, “Let’s do this!” I chuckled. We walked inside and the music was up on what I assumed to be full blast. Everyone was drinking and we were ready to join.

A few hours in I had lost Isabel, I wasn’t worried, but I was lost. Just a little over tipsy I was talkative. Some guy came over to me and started chatting me up, I was all smiles and giggles. It was how I was.

“Want a drink?” he asked me, “Sure.” I replied sweetly and he walked off. Before he came back someone took his place. “Fuck.” I muttered, instantly recognising the face of the boy who stood in front of me. “What? You like what you see? You want me to fuck you?” he said, I chuckled, “Not with that attitude.”

He put his hands up on my waist, “I haven’t seen you around before, I can show you a good time.” He hummed into my ear. He pulled me closer to him, running his hands all over my body. I couldn’t lie, the feeling was good, his large hands knowing exactly what they were doing. “I can already tell you’re dripping for me.” I had to restrain from rolling my eyes. “Maybe you are drooling too much?” he let out a loud laugh. “Over your hot body? Any day.” He grunted. Kissing my neck, “Don’t want to leave a mark.” I said, having to find the strength to pull his lips from my neck.

“Now that’s no fun is it?” the puppy eyes came out, trying to let me cave in, but I knew better. I would probably be the only girl at this party to say no to him. “Depends what you think fun is…” I winked, making his eyes light up. “I’ll take you out back and you will know fun more than you ever have before.” I shook my head and started dancing again, “Not tonight.” I said, a little too seductively, he licked his lips.

“Come on, it will only be a few minutes. I have a good reputation, ask any of these girls.” He said, pointing around the room, “Well you have to earn the prize, you cant just steal it.”

“I steal the show when I play soccer at college, you could come watch, tomorrow night, I know a hidden spot out past the club rooms, rewards?” he hinted.

“Hold up, pretty boy. I don’t even know your name. What would I be screaming out if you are as good as you say?” this made his smile brighten. “Niall. Niall Horan.” He pulled me close again, “Can I put a name to the pretty face?”

I thought about it, I could just tell him who I was, but I went to these parties intending that nobody will know who I am. So I improvised.  “Jacinta. You don’t need to know my last name just yet.” A smirk appeared on his face, “Now we know the names, we have screaming to do.” I ran my fingers through his hair, our faces dangerously close. I was taking advantage of the situation, and I was loving it. He was currently wrapped around my little finger.

I could feel his breath on my mouth, the smell of alcohol on him was overwhelming, he leant forward and softly but hungrily kissed my lips. I pulled back after three seconds. “Not so fast.” I hissed, he only smiled at me, “I can give you two kinds of kisses.”

“Not tonight, you’re not. I need to go. I’ll see you around Niall Horan.”

I kissed his cheek, making sure that he would feel it lingering, maybe leaving some lipstick for show. I spun around in my heels and stalked out of the room. If he followed me I didn't know. My fun was done for the night.

I took a cab back to college, and headed straight for my room. I took off my heels and went for a shower. I curled up into my bed, feeling cleansed of the Irish boy, sure he was gorgeous, he had the hottest accent, and as much as I didn't want to admit; he was a good kisser. But there was no way I would ever fall for him, it was a onetime thing, where I fucked him over and turned him down.

I liked it.

A/N: be sure to tell me what you think! this chapters shorter than what the rest will be, i hope you all enjoy xx

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