Chapter 87 : Luke Steals A Range Rover

Start from the beginning

Luke put the key in the ignition.

"Fuck," he mumbled.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm looking for the button that opens the garage door," he replied.

"It's right there," Ashton spoke up.

"Where?" Luke asked frustrated.

"There!" Ashton pointed to a black button that had 'garage' on top of it.

Luke pressed it and the door slowly lifted up.

He turned the engine on and drove out of garage.

We waited for the door to close once again before getting out of the driveway.

The engine purred under Luke's control.

Such luxury.

The car had lots of button that I was tempted to press to see what they would to, but decided against it.

"Don't touch anything," Luke said and gripped the steering wheel. "Especially you, Michael."

"What? Why me?" He asked sounding offended.

"You always ruin things," Luke replied.

"At least I didn't ruin a perfectly good relationship," He mumbled.

"I didn't fuck my relationship with Helen, okay?" I defended.

"Mhmm," Michael replied.

At least I hope I didn't ruin our relationship.

We arrived at the hospital and were looking for Helen's car in the hospital parking lot.

"It's right there!" I said and pointed to the black Challenger.

"How can you be so sure?" Ashton asked.

"She has the sticker that says 'Music Is Me,'' I said.

"You're right," Luke said and parked in the space next to Helen's car.

Luke turned the engine off and exhaled, "We made it."

"Yea, after almost an hour of driving around town, dealing with drivers with road rage and getting completely lost," Michael said.

"Well this was your idea, Michael," Luke defended and took his seat belt off.

I did the same and opened the door. My Vans hitting the black top lot.

After everyone got out, we walked towards the lobby. My heart was pounding wildly.

When we got inside, the cool air hit us and refreshed us from the heated weather outside. The lady at the front desk smiled at us after giving us our visitor passes.

I took a deep breath as the elevator doors closed. We all stuck the visitor passes to our shirts as the elevator went up.

Hopefully she's here. She has to be here.

And if she's not, then we're screwed.

The door opened after the ding and we stepped onto the white floor.

Nurses in blue uniforms walked around, some helping patients walk others held clipboards or where behind computers.

A woman walked towards us. I recognized her as Adin's mom, Athena.

"Luke, right?" She asked and pointed to Luke.

"Yes, is Helen here?"

"Yea, she's with Adin. Go on in, I think they're still watching a movie. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to get some lunch," She walked past us and into the elevator.

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