Chapter 38: Final chapter

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Things are FINALLY back on track. The boys and I are starting a new tour in a month, and I'm so excited! Our new album called "Take Me Home" is being released tomorrow night. The song Ed and I wrote, Little Things, is going to be on it, and I'm SO EXCITED! The fans loved it, imagine the rest of the album!

I'm no longer 'suicidal' as Louis calls it, and my schizophrenia is controlled. It doesn't affect me. I told Paul i was right. I remember nearly a year ago, in this exact flat, I told him once I came back home something would be different. I fell in love. And lost it.

Anyway, the boys and I are currently back in London. Me and Louis are back in our flat. Louis is out at the store, and I'm in my room on my laptop. Twitter has been blowing up about the new tour.





The feedback was SO sick! I had to show Louis. "BOOBEAR!" I called as I heard little feet run up the stairs. 

"Yes, hazzabear?" he leaned on the doorframe. I beckoned him over and he jumped on the bed, taking my laptop from me. He scrolled through my newsfeed. "Holy SHISHKABALLS!" he shouted. 

"Isn't great!" I shook him back and forth. He turned around to face me and grabbed my shoulders. 

"This calls for a celebration!" he giggled. "I'll call the boys over and we'll have a guys night. Just like when we were in the X Factor house! C'mon! I miss those days!"

I groaned. Those "guys nights" always ended up with us getting wasted and/or dirty truth or dare. And what happens when NOTHING BUT guys play truth or dare? Yeah, kissing. And I am NOT kissing Louis and Niall again!

"I miss those days too, but I-" I was cut off by Louis.

"HARRY! Lets recreate those good ol' days! I miss them, lets bring them back PLEASE!" he whined pleadingly. "We can even have a twitcam! We know that the fans love those!" he bounced up and down.

I'm surprised a man his age is still so jumpy. I couldn't resist his child charm. I gave in. "FINE!"

"YAY!" he kissed my cheek sloppily. "I'LL CALL LIAM!" he shouted in his superman tone. I wiped my cheek and got out of bed and strolled over to my phone.

I texted Niall and Zayn. Then, I went to my laptop and hit the tweet button to write something. "Having a good 'ol slumber party with the boys tonight. Get your twitcams ready :) x" and hit send. Instantly, I got replies.

Well the fans are going to be happy. And I'm glad that we're doing this for them. They deserve a treat from us, after all they've done for us. My girls are incredible. It saddens me that I can't meet all of them. They probably think that we don't have enough time for them. But that is completely opposite. I wish I had all the time in the world for my babes. But I can't meet them all, it's literally impossible. But I'm glad that they still stay by us. 

I got a tweet message notification from Liam. Yes I have their tweets sent to me, hashtag problem? Anyways, it said "Heading over to Louis and Harry's for a sleepover (: Possible Liam follow spree tonight? Fingers crossed xxx". I smiled. He's always doing nice things for our fans. 

I was about to join Louis downstairs to get ready for the sleepover tonight, when a photoframe caught my eye in my peripheral view. It was my picture that I took of Shalice that was sat on my nightstand. I hadn't looked at it in so long so it was a bit dusty. I picked it up and dusted it off. I ran my fingers over the glass. She was smiling her famous warm smile. What killed me is that most of the fans loved her. And they didn't even know her that well like they did Danielle. It just goes to show how incredible our fans are. 

This picture was from our first date. A horrible disaster that was. I chuckled to myself thinking about how I was going to take her out for a real one once we got out of that mess. I still can. If I bring the picture with me. But that would be creepy right? 

I sighed and a tear fell from my eye. I've been strong for three months. I can be strong. I guess it's just that...when you love someone, a piece of them stays with you; even after they've left your life. And a bit of Shalice will forever be in me. I will never forget what she did for me, for the boys. She brought us a bit closer. And she will always be my gaurdian angel from above. 

I looked away from the picture, as more tears fell. I wiped the few that had sprung and placed the picture back down. I sighed as I took out my journal from under my bed. It had quotes all over the leather front. I wrote all my inspiring quotes, diary entries, thoughts, feelings, and even a few song ideas in this very journal. Then I got an idea for a song. I put my pen down on the paper and started writing down my feelings as they felt in my heart:

"Don't Let Me Go

Now you are standing there right in front of me

I hold on, it's getting harder to breathe

All of a sudden these lights are blinding me

I never noticed how bright they would be"

I pasued as I thought for another verse. I looked at Shalices' picture then started writing again.

"I saw in the corner there is a photograph

No doubt in my mind it's a picture of you

It lays there alone in it's bed of broken glass

This bed was never made for two

I'll keep my arms wide open-"

"Harry?" a soft voice asked. I looked up, expecting to see someone else. But she's gone. 

"Hey, Lou." I sniffled and closed my journal. "I was just writing down some song lyrics." I smiled weakly.

Worry appeared on Louis' face as he looked at my eyes and knew I had been crying. But thankfully he didn't press on. "Okay," he smiled. "Well, Liam will be here soon. Wanna help me make the cookies? You know I'm terrible." he chuckled, changing the subject.

My mood instantly brightened up a bit. "I would love to help, Boobear." I smiled, putting my journal on my nightstand, next to her picture. Then I wlaked downstairs with my best friend. Time to move on. 



This is the ending (: YAYYY! It's over! How did you guys like this one? To be honest, I like it better than the whole sequel. XD Now I can focus on all of my other fanifcs. Like "Broken" which is a Lirry one. (And my new Narry story that has yet to be written called "Secrets") So go check it out? ♥

Did you guys see how I added Harry's song "Don't Let Me Go" ? :D Love you xx

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