Chapter 29

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Play the song "Feel Real" by Deptford Goth later on when I say.

PS: I picture Tatia as Anjelah Johnson. xx Here's a really long chapter. Don't get angry (:


-Shalice's POV-

Harry looked so handsome! I already knew he was borrowing the other boys' things. But he pulled them off SO well. Harry kept on apologizing for not being there for my birthday. It's truly alright. He was away. I can't blame him. Ever since he came back, his schizophrenia has gotten better. I've only seen him flip the switch once, and that was when some guy pushed me in the queue of the cinema. He just shoved him out of the way and went to a different queue.

But other than that, he's improved. I'm proud of him. I think that program helped him, in all honesty.

We've been driving in the car for about 15 minutes, and Harry wouldn't shut up.

“Again, I'm so sorry, I wasn't around fo-” Harry began to apologize.

“Oh, my God. Shut up!” I shouted. “Harry, It's alright! Really! No need to apologize 100 more times. It's okay.” I explained.

“You sure?”

“Yes.” I smiled, and leaned over to kiss him.

He looked at me and smiled. Then, he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

“So where we going?” I asked.

“I hope you like surprises.” he smirked and winked.

“Actually, I LOVE surprises.” I giggled.

“Good. Cause you have to wait.”

“That's perfectly fine, as long as I'm with you.” I smiled and looked out the window.

But when I did, I frowned.

“Harry, stop the car.” I said, not taking my eyes off the sight.

“Wha- why?” he asked, desperately trying to find what I was looking at.

“Just pull over!”

He did as so, and I threw my seat belt off and ran out the car. There I saw one of the prostitutes I worked with while with Lucah, Tatia, in the middle of an empty field. She was beat up and struggled to walk straight.

She was there in the room when Lucah cut my leg. 2 weeks before the night Harry found me in the woods. Tatia was one of Lucah first girls. She was about 26, and always followed the rules. We all did, because we didn't want to pay the price later. But Tatia was my closest friend there, and she kept me alive throughout the house. Those other girls were bitches. Also, Tatia mentored me when I first hit puberty. I had no mother to show me what to do and what to use, and she showed me. Tatia and I are like Harry and Louis; we're best friends and we're there for each other. Forever. When I was younger, she protected me. Then as I grew we became sidekicks. It was fun when she was around. You know besides the drugs and all.

How can Tatia be in this state? She's the nicest girl I know! The only reason she's with Lucah, is because she got pregnant at 16 and her family had kicked her out. She ran for days, and turned to Lucah for help. She's been with him ever since.

“Tatia!” I screamed. She looked frightened and looked up.

“SHALICE, COME BACK HERE!” Harry shouted for me, but I ignored.

Tatia saw me, and at first she turned to run, but then froze. I slowed down and she turned around with tears in her eyes.

“Sh-shalice?” she stuttered, with a broken voice.

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