Chapter 32

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Play the song Medicine by Daughter when I say so

-Shalice's POV-

At around 6 o clock that night, Harry texted Louis saying:

Where are you all!? I woke up on the floor covered in bruises and blood! My head is throbbing, and I'm scared! Did Lucah get you guys?! ANSWER ME PLEASE! DX”

Louis chuckled.

“He's back to him old self.” he sighed, and put his phone on the dashboard, and dug into his fudge sundae. We drove around Bradford for about 30 minutes then stopped by McDonalds. We got ice cream to try and cheer up the girls. We explained Harry's condition and they understood. Waliyah understood more than Safaa did, however.

“Well, we should go back.” Niall suggested. “Explain all of this to him, y'know.”

We all nodded.

“Okay.” Liam said, turning his keys and starting his way back home.

Zayn unlocked the front door and it was pitch black. We slowly stepped into the house and it was so spooky, there should've been a creak in the floorboards. It was freezing, and Waliyah and Safaa were shaking.

“Girls, get behind me.” Louis mumbled, and they did as told. I stepped ahead of Zayn and he grabbed my wrist. I looked back and his eyes were shining.

“Where are you-” he began, but the lights flickered on.

Harry was descending down the stairs with bandages on his forehead and hand.

“There you all are!” he exasperated.

We exchanged confused looks.

“Harry, you okay?” I asked.

“Why wouldn't I be?” he smiled wide.

“Because, you almost killed us, you knocked out, you're in the darkness, and it's freezing in here.”

Harry's eyes looked around as if searching his mind.

“I don't remember the first two, but it's dark because I was in my room and it's nighttime. And it's cold because I woke up in a hot sweat, so I put on the air conditioning.” he explained.

I sighed and gave him a hug. He tightly wrapped his arms around me. I'm gonna have to get used to his frequent mood swings.

It's Thursday night. Tomorrow we'll be confronting Lucah at his abandoned warehouse. And I was terrified. I know Lucah. I know the kind of man he is. He's dangerous, strong, and quite frankly, I don't think Harry can take him. That's why I just want his alter ego to switch when he meets up with them. I don't want him to go alone, but that's the only way.

(play song now)

I was sitting in my room, Harry was in the bathroom. I sat on the floor, with my back to the bed. I heard a door open, and I peaked my head above the mattress and saw Niall shutting the door. I turned back and he sat next to me.

“Hey, you.” he poked my knee.

I smiled.

“Hi.” my voice cracked and I cleared my throat. “Hi.” I said, much more clearer.

“You alright?” he asked me.

I began nodding, but thought “what's the use”, then shook my head no. Niall pulled me in for a hug, and kissed the top of my head.

“I know why.” I sighed. “Harry will be fine, Shally. He can defend himself.”

I chuckled pathetically.

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