Chapter 9

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-Shalice's POV-

My head was throbbing. My heart felt like it was being squeezed. Every part of my body felt like it would fall off at the slightest touch. But then there was my mind. My mind, in which, was flooded with thoughts and images of him. Of the boy who saved me. He seemed nice, but I've met so many men in my life that seemed nice, but where really devils. But he seemed sincere. Harry. Harry sounds like a sincere name. But what was Harry doing in the middle of the woods? Why did he just so happen to appear when I need him the most? Was it the miracle I was hoping for?

I slowly came to consciousness, as the anesthesia began to wear off. I rolled over a little, and my eyes fell on the curly haired lad I was just thinking about in my slumber. He froze in the leather seat. I blinked and he sat back. Is he going to say something, or shall I?

“Ahem.” he cleared his throat, “Good morning.”

“Morning.” I mumbled, in almost a whisper. I don't think he heard me.

“You got out of surgery about and hour ago, I didn't think you'd be awake so soon.” he chuckled lazily.

“So were you planning on waiting until I woke up?” I asked, sitting upright.

He shrugged and searched for lost words.

“I uh- I guess I just erm-”

“It's alright, Harry.” I chuckled a little. Was I actually getting comfortable around him? Better put up the walls. My smirk went away, when his grew.

“You said my name.” he pointed.

“And you said mine earlier.” I pointed back.

"You know you sound awfully a lot like my friend Lou back there. Where are you from?” he asked, leaning forward in his chair.

I gulped harshly.

“Where is Louis from?” I mocked.

He rolled his eyes.

“Right here in Yorkshire.”

“Really?” I gaped. “Which part of Yorkshire?”


“Oh, me too. How ironic, huh.” I stated.

“Yeah, no wonder you both have similar accents.” he smirked a dimple smirk. “Liam is from Yorkshire, as well. Though, he's from the Wolverhampton area.” he smirked again.

I smiled at his cuteness.

“I haven't seen you smile all night.” Harry spoke. My smile faded. “You should smile more often.” he grinned.


-Harry's POV-

I got back to the country house at around 12. It was sunny here in Doncaster. It was saddening to have to be leaving so soon. But, I think Shalice is starting to open up and feel comfortable around me. I hope so. She is amazing to be around, though I've only managed to get about 20 words out of her. She has a sweet smile that makes me shutter in a good way. She's going to be released in 2 hours so I decided to head back to the room for a little shut-eye.

I laid down on the bed and put my forearms behind my head, and kicked off my shoes. I closed my eyes and not even 5 seconds later, I hear loud banging coming from the room next to mine. Coincidentally, that was Paul's room. I groaned angrily, shooting up from the mattress and marched to Paul's room in my socks. I knocked and knocked. No answer.

I barged in and I saw a couch being flipped and hitting a wall, followed by a suitcase. Then I heard a large bellow.


I ran over to the living room, and the boys were trying to calm him down, but he just shoved passed them, about to pick up a lamp to toss, but I grabbed his arm. His head snapped to me, and he tensed up.

“What's going on?!” I shouted setting the lamp down.

“Tom called not too long ago.” Liam mumbled.

“Ugh, don't remind me.” Paul paced around the messy room, hands firm on his hips.

“Oh God, what did they say?” I groaned, pacing as well.

“He told Paul to leave.” Zayn spoke up.

“Wait what do you m-” I began.

“He wants us to stay here, by ourselves until the tour kickoff in 2 weeks.” Niall clarified.

“Really?!” I gaped. “Why can't he stay?!”

“He said 'You boys need some time alone without the supervision of an adult. It could do you good.” Louis added, sighing while plopping down on the other couch.

“That's stupid! They can't do that! Paul is part of management, too!” I growled, clenching my fists.

“Technically they can. They are higher than Paul is on the board. And they said they'll fire him if he doesn't comply.” Liam said joining Louis on the couch.

“I'm heading back to London, by myself,” Paul growled at the last part, “tonight.” He shook his head in disbelief. "Do they know what kind of dangers could be here?! That's just WITH supervision. Now they want me to leave?!"

I genuinley felt bad.

“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get you mixed into all of this.” I apologized to him, looking down.

“That's alright, Harry,” he sighed. “I knew what I was getting myself into when I became a part of One Direction.” he smirked, giving me a hug.

I feel terrible. As though this was all my fault.

“Alright, lets get this cleaned up.” Paul said breaking the connection. We all groaned.


QOTD: How old are you?

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