Chapter 17

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Who do you think Harry is going to attack next?



-Shalice's POV-

We were on the main road already, heading for Cornwall. We stopped at a different, more run-down, gas station, and filled it up...quickly.

“Harry! Do you realize what you did there?!” Louis shouted.

 He shrugged, and cracked his knuckles like everything was okay.

“Obviously, he thinks its a joke!” Liam added, scoffing. “You're unbelievable, y'know that?! You can NEVER stop fucking up! First, you get us arrested! Then you go and piss off the BIGGEST gang in the UK! Wh- WHY CAN'T YOU-”

“WHY CAN'T YOU LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!?” Harry interrupted, taking Liam aback.

He shut his mouth, and turned to face the front. “What. Now you're speechless, Liam?” he challenged.

Oh God. This can't be good.

“Go ahead! Say something! 'Daddy Direction'! Mr. Sensible! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE TO SAY-”

“You're pathetic.” Liam mumbled. Harry scoffed.

“I'm pathe-” he paused. “you know what, Liam? You're right. You're abso-fucking-lutely right! I AM pathetic!” Harry smiled sarcastically, and his tone was of pure sarcastic astonishment. “I'm so pathetic, that I would risk my life, to save your ass! I would protect you guys, INSTEAD of leaving you behind! And I'm SO pathetic, that I got you and Dani together in the first place! You're right. 'Mr. Pathetic' over here!” he laughed sarcastically.

“Wanna see just how pathetic I am? Huh Liam?”

Liam turned to Harry while rolling his eyes. Harry extended his long arms to Zayn's passenger window and rolled down the window.

“Mate, what are you-” Zayn tried, but Harry had tossed a couple useless paper items out the window.

“Harry, that's litteri-” Liam protested.

“Oops, I didn't know. I'm” Harry grabbed a McDonalds cup, that was still pretty full “PATHETIC” he said as he threw it out the window “remember?!”

“Hey, I was drinking that!” Niall barked.

“Stay out of it, mate.” Zayn whispered to him.

I stayed quiet throughout this entire banter.

“Harry, now you're just being immature!” Liam retaliated.

“Now I'm pathetic AND immature?!” Harry challenged. “Oh, man, I didn't think you had it in you, Payne.” he teased. "Not a mean bone, at all!"

“Harry, NOT IN THE FUCKING MOOD!” Liam screamed, this time in Harry's face.

Harry shoved him back, and Liam retaliated, pushing Harry into the door.

We all shouted different responses to the sudden harsh contact. Mostly "Stop!"  or "Don't fight."

“Don't FUCKING push me, Styles!” Liam growled.

“Louis, stop the car.” Harry spoke, never taking his eyes off Liam.

“No. I'm not gonna-”

“LOUIS, STOP THE DAMN CAR!” Liam and Harry shouted at the same time.

“What are you gonna do? Fight it out?” Niall asked, worry in his voice.

“If that's what it comes down to.” Liam growled again.

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