Chapter 26

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This is kind of a filler. The verdict will be next chapter. ♥



-Shalice's POV-

We arrived at the courthouse at about 11. The hearings were boring and took forever. But this was the last one. It could be shorter. I was so nervous. Today any last witnesses would be able to speak. I don't think we have anymore. But you never know who could show up.

We were currently sitting in the courtroom. We sat on the defense side in the second row. Harry and Louis would be walking in soon.

“Shalice, it's going to be okay. The boys are strong. Even if they're guilty, they'll survive.” Liam comforted.

I was about to reply when the doors opened. We turned around and Anne, Harry's mum and Robin, Harry's step-dad walked in, followed by Gemma, Harry's older sister. They greeted us, and sat in the row behind. 5 minutes later, Des, Harry's dad walked in and sat next to Anne and Robin.

“I didn't think you'd show up.” Anne told him.

“I wouldn't miss my own son's court hearing, Anne. I'm better than that.” he replied.

They get along pretty fine for a divorced couple.

Later, Jay and his sisters entered with Mark following right behind. The other boy's parents came as well. They all were just as nervous as I was. Then, Ed showed up and sat next to Niall. He was wearing a professional outfit, but it wasn't too professional. Then Stan, Louis' best friend showed up and sat with Jay. Then Eleanor and Danielle. Perrie showed up right after them, and they all sat with us. Eleanor was shaking. I grabbed her hand and soothed her a bit. Doniya stayed home with the two girls. We didn't want them to be in an environment like this. In case a riot broke out.

Little by little, people began pouring in. We heard the fans outside screaming. I bet some were crying. I would be too. But I'm on the inside and I have to show that I'm not scared. Even though this is the most scared I've ever been. The man I love could go to prison. Theres a 70% chance that they could. Just keep praying, Shalice. Pray.


Then, the bailiff came in with Harry and Louis right behind. They were wearing suits. They made eye contact with us, and Anne smiled. Jay sniffed and waved. Louis just smiled. Damn. Too bad ass to wave to your mum? Yeah, jail has changed them. They went to their table and stood.

Then the bailiff said “Now entering the honorable Judge Rodgers.” and the Judge entered and sat down.

People got louder.

“Order in the court!” the Judge bellowed.

Everyone became silent.

“Please take a seat, gentlemen.” he said, and Harry and Louis sat down. “Now, today, on August 16th, you boys will be tried for parole. Meaning, you have the opportunity to walk away tomorrow, or be sent to prison. You understand that, correct?”

“Yes, sir.” they said simultaneously.

Their voices seemed to get deeper. Especially Louis'. It's not that high pitched anymore. It's rougher.

“Okay, great. Now proceed, Mr. Curruthers.” the Judge said to the attorney that would be questioning the boys.

“Morning your honor. People of the jury. Gentlemen.” Mr. Curruthers greeted the boys at their table. “Was it a morning like this one, in which you two were at the gas station where Daniel Hopkins was thrown into a glass door?” he asked.

“Yes, sir.” Louis answered. Harry looked agitated.

“And do you not agree that it was you two in the tape?”

“Your Honor if I may, I-” Harry and Louis lawyer, Lloyd Anderson, stood up.

“Mr. Anderson, resume your seat.” Judge Rodgers denied.

“Sorry, sir.” he sighed and took his seat.

“Proceed Mr. Curruthers.” the Judge said.

“Thank you, your honor.” Mr. Curruthers smiled. “Anyway, Mr. Styles. You do know that you have anger problems. You know that, right?”

“I do not.” Harry answered, annoyed with this inexperienced young man.

“Oh, you don't?” he challenged. “Allow me to refresh your memory. In that tape did you not attack Lucah Richardson and Preston Lee, as well as Daniel Hopkins? And in the mall video, you didn't stab Max Rivera? Is that what you're telling me?”

“Yes, sir.” he smirked, sarcastically.

“You honor, with all due respect,” Lloyd stood up, “You never know what happened in the mall. You saw the tape. It was cut off. And it could have been anything.”

“What are you getting at, Mr. Anderson?” the Judge asked, interested in what he has to say.

“I'm saying that, we couldn't see blood coming from Max Rivera. It could have been just an uppercut to the gut. You saw when he crouched over. And any man in this room can speak for themselves when I say 'if you get hit in the gut or your private parts that it's painful' am I right?”

We heard a few comments and 'hear ye' come from the men in the room.

“Exactly. So Max could've just felt pain, and my defendants could've seen the opportunity to run from the stranger. After all Max did confront THEM.” he explained.

“Interesting plea, Mr. Anderson.” the Judge nodded. The jury all looked at each other, nodded, and wrote some things down.

Lloyd smiled and took his seat.


After an hour or two, and after hearing both boys take the stand and answer Mr. Anderson's questions, the judge spoke.

“Now, before I conclude this meeting, is there anyone who would like to speak?” the asked.

We waited and no one spoke up.

“Alright, then without hesitation, meeting adjour-” he was about to slam the gavel, but the doors opened. My eyes went wide, and my heart dropped. Everyone gasped, and then Phoebe and Daisy held their mother tightly.

The judge sighed.

“Well, well. If it isn't my favorite convict.” he smiled. “How are you, Mr. Richardson?”

Lucah chuckled.

“I'm doing fine, your honor.” he answered. Then smiled at Harry and Louis. They tensed up and for the first time, since they've been in jail, they looked afraid.


QOTD: Are there any beliebers out there? ;} ♥

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