" May I continue Mr Tutbury "

I nodded " But don't dare bring my wife into this , she is in a hospital in Nottingham and I have no idea what the hell is going on "

Fludd leaned forward again

" She was in a hospital in Nottingham " He emphasised the word was

His voice cold and matter of fact

" What you on about Fludd, of course she is "

This time Fludd didn't let me finish

" Your wife Carol Kathryn Tutbury is with us right here in our medical facility"

My face flushed with anger

This time I did shout " She is fucking what , you are joking , stop playing games with me , she is in Nottingham not here at all "

I ran to the door I had arrived through , frantically pulling both handles , banging and banging on the door . They were locked . Slowly I rested my head against the door , tears welling up in my eyes .

Turning slowly I pointed at Fludd

" You cruel cruel bastard " taking 3 or 4 strides forwards still pointing " I have had enough of this pathetic charade , take me to my wife ....and you ...you Fludd just rot in hell "

I lowered my hand shaking my head .

Fludd just smiled

" We do have a temper Mr Tutbury , doesn't one "

" Why are you doing this , what have me and Carol ever done to you , to this ...your Gideon thing "

Fludd rolled a pencil around his fingers ....gesturing as if I should continue

" Well , well why shouldn't I just leave , why can't I leave . I'm in a museum for Christ's sake , they don't arrest you when you go viewing the dinasour bones in Sheffield museum do they " I pointed at the door " I just want to go , I have had enough ...enough of this ......I have a very sick wife , I just want to get back to her "

Fludd patronisingly clapped his hands twice

" Very admirable Mr Tutbury , but if I may continue .........Your wife is here with us . She is stable .....If you remain calm I would like to continue .......Is that ok with you ? " then slightly louder and menacing " Is that ok with you .....We could of course adjourn the meeting .......the solution to the predicament lies entirely with you "

Breathing deeply I felt a total sense of frustration and anger

I walked slowly back to the spot where I had been placed by the lady in red and held my hands up

" Ok ...Ok "

Fludd smiled

" Mr Tutbury , I would like you to see this "

He pressed an intercom button on his desk

" Now please " he commanded

Two blonde uniformed ladies walked into the room carrying a large framed painting and stood about eight feet from me .

" Look closely at the painting , what do you see there " Fludd pointed at the painting

I walked a pace nearer

" I see a white stallion carrying a crusader knight and an Arab warrier , the horse is rearing up and trampling on a mass of Arabs and Christians "

" Very good , what else do you see Tutbury"

I looked closer

" Erm Arab and Crusader banners trailing from the men and both have Star symbols on their clothes "

Fludd nodded in appreciation

" Very good , exactly so . The painting was commissioned by Saladin in 1188 and completed by Wolfran in 1189 .....What does it tell you "

I looked closer

" lots of knights , warriers ....I don't know ....Look Mr Fludd , please don't think I'm being rude but much as I'd like to stay here and discuss art with you . my wife is ill and I appear to be a prisoner in a museum "

Fludd held up his hand asking again

" Look closer "  he pointed at the painting

I looked again gesturing that I didn't know what I was looking for

Fludd sat back .

" Ok I will tell you ......It's a Knight , a Christian with an Arab warrior on a horse fighting together to defeat Arab and Christian uprisings . To the Muslim world Saladin is a legend , he was arguably their greatest warrior and leader against the Crusades .......Well he commissioned this "

" Yes you said " I replied " But what has that got to do with me ........why hasn't this been seen before "

" Because this painting Mr Tutbury has been passed down through generations . It is in effect a painting depicting world peace . So something like this , is best hidden .....There is myth and legend regarding this painting , but just that myth and legend ......We prefer to control peace and the alternative "

" Ok Ok , I see " I blew out my cheeks " Well my lips are sealed "

The men around the table didn't flicker , they were motionless

Fludd continued " The painting depicts peace , unity and the most important thing one religion ....a sharing of one God .....a chance that not only muslims and Christians but all religions would unite "

" That seems a long way off in my opinion " I replied " A long way off.....Why hasn't this painting been exhibited , it must be the most important piece of Art in the world right now "

This time Fludd nodded " Because ....Because ......of the controversy it would cause .....can you imagine the Greatest Islamic warrior embracing Christianity and Crusader leaders embracing Islam. The fact Saladin commissioned this is enormous ...A painting like this is hugely significant "

I nodded in agreement

" Ok Mr Fludd , we have solved world peace ...I've listened , what now about my wife "

" Fludd replied quietly but impatiently

" As I said earlier , she is stable "

" Yes so you said , a while ago ....but if it's ok , I would like to see her "

Fludd smiled again as he does when questioned

" I am sorry Mr Tutbury , but that is not possible ........yet " He paused looking round the table " But you will soon "

My temper just boiled over

" Ok Ok this is stupid ...bloody stupid , I have had enough , completely had enough ...I'm off " I pointed straight at Fludd frustration boiling over within me " I'm going to ring the Police , who the hell do you think you are "

Fludd stood , both hands resting on the table , he  adjusted one of his cuffs .

" Mr Tutbury , you can call the Police , you can use my personal telephone , but I fear you may be wasting your time "

" Why" I retorted

Fludd pointed to his left

" Mr Tutbury , might I introduce Mr George Campbell , he is head of British Intelligence Mi6 , To My right is Karol Svornak Senior Intelligence officer for part of the CIA and law and order advisor to the White House  , one of ours now  , Beyond him is Dimitri Petron , well lets just say officially he doesn't exist ..........Have I made my point Mr Tutbury " Fludd stared straight at me

" Yes " I murmered

" Do I have your attention from here in Mr Tutbury "

" Yes " I murmered again

" Good Good " Fludd raised his hands slightly " Well I think then Gentlemen this is as good a time as any to break for tea .......do you take milk with yours Mr Tutbury "

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