“Twenty-three maids? Who needs twenty three maids?”


      She smiled. “Mr. Miles, that’s who. Oh, I’m sorry! I never told you my name. I’m Emalie.”


      “Scarlett,” I told her.


      Abruptly, Emalie came to a stop. She nodded her head to the little grey door. “That’s the side entrance.”


     “Thanks for showing me, Emalie. I really appreciate it,” I told her honestly. She was one of the first people in New York to actually help me.


     Emalie smiled and dimples appeared in her cheeks. “No problem, Scarlett. Good luck on the job,” and with that, Emalie was off, walking towards the main entrance.


     I looked at the door as if it was the most intimidating thing in the world. And at the moment it was. I didn’t want to go in there and find out how big of a snob Jackson Miles was, but I needed this job.


     Opening the door, I popped my head in and saw what looked like a waiting room at a hospital. It wasn’t homy at all. Several other ladies sat with poise and posture on the gray chairs. I honestly had no chance. They were all women who looked like they had the same experience as Mary Poppins! And I had none. I was just a kid compared to them.


      I should just walk out of here right now and save myself the trouble of feeling like a failure but I had to at least try. I took a seat in between two old ladies, they looked harmless. Both of them turned and looked at me with clear coloured on their faces. I shrunk back down in my seat as the first person was called. So far, I didn’t really like New York.


     Several intense minutes later, my name was finally called. Sitting in a room with other people all sizing one another up isn’t as fun as it sounds. The same man who has been calling everyone out laid his eyes on me.


     Suddenly feeling uneasy around this man, I timidly got up when he called my name. I followed him into a room where a tall man with broad shoulders seated with his back to us.


     “The next candidate is here, Mr. Miles,” the man called into the room.


       Jackson Miles waved his hand. “Yes, yes. Do come in.”


       Taking a deep breath, I walked slowly into the room. I didn’t feel comfortable sitting in a room, alone, with a man that I’ve never met before. It makes me uneasy. I hated the fact that I feel like this. All because of them.


        I took a seat opposite Jackson Miles. I waited until the last minute to lay my eyes on him, and when I did, I was sure they popped out of my skull. It was the man from Grand Central Station yesterday. He sat there wearing a very expensive suit and was groomed to perfection.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2013 ⏰

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