1.Welcome to the Mushroom Kingdom

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Me: Hello and welcome to a series called Just ask the Mario and Sonic Crew. This series involves characters made by Nintendo and Sega. Since I want there to be variety in the adventures, i''ll be accepting requests for characters for me to add into the series. (Ex: Kratos, Scooby Doo, Batman, Megaman, etc.) Don't forget to post dares or questions in the comment section for these guys to answer. Now lets introduce the characters.

Mario: Hey guys, you ready for this brand new series.
Sonic: Ha, I was born ready. This is going to be sick.
Luigi: But it's a series, it can't be sick. It's not a person
Tails: Luigi, it's an expression. Don't take everything so seriously.
Peach: I can't wait either. I'm going to do tons of shopping and Toad you'll be there to help.
Toad: Yeah I'll be there to...wait. Shopping! Nonononononononono, no shopping, i hate shopping. To many bags to carry.
Shadow: Get over it, it's just shopping. Do you have to complain about everything.
Amy: Oh come on Shadow, don't be like that. You wouldn't want to go shopping with me right?
Shadow: I see your point.
Yoshi: Yoshi yoshi yoshi yoshi!
*Everyone stares at him*
Yoshi: ...
Knuckles: What did he say?
Tails: No one knows.
Yoshi: Hmph, yoshi yoshi yoshi. *crosses arms*
Me: Well there they are. The characters you will see in this series so far. Remember to suggest characters you want me to add in the comment section. Say bye everyone.
Everyone: Bye!

Ps. There are other stories and that are similar to this. I'm not stealing their idea. This is pretty much my version. Please don't report.

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