Part 7

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Nobody's POV

A redhead, with 'love' written in his left forehead, is watching over the sand village from the rooftop of building. Looking down on the place as it was peaceful. He suddenly remembers a small child he held that was about three years ago, the child had black hair and deep-blue eyes. She was just a toddler then, grabbing her home like there was no tomorrow, and was always smiling so brightly.

The first time he held that child was when she and her mother visited him.


Her mother was carrying her in her arms when they both entered the room. He watched as the child gestures to her mother to let her down which she did. For a four year old, she was still trying not to tumble when walking, and she was walking alright, walking towards the redhead man. She grabbed on his pants and pulled with her strengt, she wanted to be carried by that man. The man lifted the child to his arms and looked at her eyes,

"Pa... papa..." the child said which shocked him,

"Chisuke... that's not your papa..." her mother said with a sad expression, the child started tearing up and gripped on the redhead's shirt,

"Don't cry..." he said as he caresses the child's cheeks, "...until you find your papa... I will be your papa..." he added and the child as if she understood it all hugged him,


After reminiscing, he went back to his office and called on a ninja,

"What is it, Kazekage-sama?" the ninja asked,

"Kano, send a message to the hokage, telling her of my little visit," he ordered, just when the ninja was about to leave, "... And also tell her that I would like to request for Uzumaki Naruko," he added.


A certain hokage is doing her paper works, getting everything in place and finishing every paper that needed approval. The day was just any other day, but suddenly, a ninja came carrying a message for her,

"Hokage-sama, I bring news," the ninja said,

"Hmmm... Is it urgent?" the hokage asked,

"umm... The Kazekage is planning on coming here in Konoha... He didn't mention anything particular that it was urgent or not... I was just sent here to inform you of his visit..." he answered,

"Oh... is that so? When will her arrive then?" Hokage asked,

"The three days from now, Hokage-sama... " He said, "He also requested for Uzumaki Naruko," he added. The hokage raised a brow, confused on why he requested for her, "Okay... I shall have her informed then," and with that the ninja immediately left her office.

"Shizune," the hokage called,

"What is it, Tsunade-sama?" Shizune asked,

"Have Naruko come here this afternoon, so that I can tell her the news," Tsunade ordered,

"Yes, Tsunade-sama," she said and left the office.

Naruko's POV

I was cleaning the living room while Chisuke was studying. Yes, she was studying. She likes to study and play, more play than study, but today, she had no playmate and so she ended up studying for fun. As a mother, looking at her study makes me proud but the more I look at her, I remember how his father beat me in anything. It makes me happy and sad, but no need to get caught up on the past, my little Chisuke is top in her class, that's a more reason for me to be happy.

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