Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Luke arranged for his meeting with the neighboring pack to be pushed back. He said we had this entire week to our selves and he was gonna try to take parts of it off.

"You don't have to do that," I said as he lays in bed with me. Both of us fully clothed and cuddling at 12 in the afternoon. My head lying on his chest tracing the outline of his abs. One of his arm wrapped around my waist and the other supporting his neck.

"Babe I just wanna have some time with you, I can get my Beta to do the work. He will understand." Luke says with a shrug.

"You know I can help. I'm actually really good at paper work. I was an assistant office worker for a while last year and a manager of a clothing store," I mention with a proud smile.

"Really?" He asks with amusement in his voice and a smile on his lips. As he turning his head to try and see me, I lift my head and crane my neck to meet his gaze.

"Yep! I was the best," I say with a wink before breaking into a smile.

He pauses a moment, "What other jobs did you do?" He asks curiously and with a soft gaze.

He is being carful not to pry but I don't mind at all. I want to open up to him.

"Well that's a long list. I was a receptionist, a cashier for awhile, I tried going to college," I admit.

"Why didn't you finish?" And I just give him a shrug, to much work, to much money. I could give the usual answers but in reality it didn't matter because in the end I quit everything I ever started.

"What about you? Did you go to college?" I ask and stop tracing patterns on his stomach to pay attention.

"Yea I did online. It was a lot easier to submit and time management but actually understanding the course was hard because if I had a question I would have to submit it," he explains and I lean in as he furthers my understanding about him.

"Plus my Dad would was remind me about how I have to understand the information because it's college and it's a bigger deal," he continues with a sigh.

"Did you want to be Alpha?" I ask suddenly once he was done talking about all his fathers expectations.

He looks slight taken back but answers honestly and holds me tight.
"No, it was too much pressure." He says.

"I was babied because I was the Alphas son, BUT once I hit a certain age I was suddenly the younger alpha and had 10 years worth of growing to do in 2. Having the Alpha tittle, it isn't something I would push onto anyone," Luke says while playing with my hand.

The stores he tells are hard hitting and emotional while I just tell him the silly things about myself. Because he knows all my secrets now he just has to get to know me has a person. While I get to learn about what he keeps from others. Making a sinister smile come to my lips.

Suddenly there is a knock at the door and Luke groans before harshly shouting, "What!?"

"Luke we need you to sign off on some things before you take off this week," a voice shouts through the door and I immediately recognize it has the Beta.

"Fine," Luke mumbles and plants a long kiss on my lips one last time before swinging his legs over the edge of the bed and walking to the door.

He turns back around and looks at me, "Wait here," he says sternly and then walks out the bed room leaving me bored out of my mind.

I decide to take a shower to distract myself, however before I am able to reach the bath room there is another knock on the door.

"If your looking for Luke you just missed him. He is in his office right about now," I shout through the door waiting for a response.

"Actually I came to see you Sophia," Luke's dad's voice sounded from the hallway.

I rush towards the door and open it seeing his tall, intimidating figure towering over me.

"Come in," I say and motion towards the center of the room. The olderly Alpha glides through the room and glances around at the decorations.

I awkwardly stand next to the door as an uncomfortably silence sets in between us.

I cough and mumble, "You said you wanted something Sir?" I ask and he nods his head remembering.

"Yes I heard you had a visit at one of the orphanage and I wanted to know what you thought," he asks.

"Could I ask why sir," I gaze at him questionable.

His expression softens and he offers a small smile, "My wife was in charge of the relocation homes, meaning orphanages, around the pack. I was wondering what you had planned for them once you took control."

I give me a wondering look, but decide to be honest.
"I believe it is a wonderful thing to have such a loving and strong family environment for these children that have suffered such a great loss. However, I believe that they need more housing built. There were so may children stuffed into one house it seemed unhealthy," I say and as I continue the Alpha's smile grows until I believe it is a full blown cheeky grin.

Once I am done he takes a seat for a moment on the chair by the bath room, "You will be a fine Luna. You remind me of my wife's passion in the protection of the pack," he says.

I stand there for a moment, and a surge of relief and pride flow through my body. I don't know this man, he is not the person I met when I was a child, that was his wife. He has not been generous or all that kind to me, yet his approval I had craved from the moment I found Luke.

"Thank you, Sir," I say shyly, which is new for me.

"Call me, Dad. I will not attempt to fill the shoes of your deceased father but know that you are family," he says confidently and again smiles.

He gently placed a hand on my shoulder, gently squeezes and walks away from me. I feel the stinging in my eyes but do not acknowledge my tears until I am forced to wipe them away as the run down my cheeks.

He has given my approval and he is the first person in my life to openly do so.


Hey I am starting a new book called Playing the CEO please check it out!

It was short but I think the relationship between them needed some foundation and when better to start then the middle of the book?

Anyways tell me what ya think!


Live fam ✌🏻️

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