Aquarius and Leo ~An Unexpected friend

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     Aquarius walked down to the cafeteria with her best friends, Libra and Gemini, Gemini was unsurprisingly babbling  on and on about their previous English lesson. Libra as per usual on his phone while Aquarius clutched her books in her hand and focused on finding an empty table. 

    The crowd in the cafeteria was seemly quite today, Aqua scanned the room while scooping a spoonful of chocolate pudding in her mouth, her eyes met with a pair of bright blue ones, and a blush crept up her face as she averted her gaze from his. Leo was looking at her, the Leo as in football captain and most popular boy in school.  "Oy Aqua, what's wrong with you?" Asked Gemini. Aquarius shook her head and mumbled "nothing". "Then, why are you all blushy?" Gemini cooed and craned her neck to where Aquarius eyes keep glancing at. "Is it Sagittarius?" Gemini asked looking at the girl sitting directly in front of Aqua, "Nope" Aquarius grinned at her nosy friend "it's Leo". 

    "Leo? is he picking on you again?" Gemini asked referring to the incidents from two years ago when Leo "accidently" cut a chunk of Aquarius' hair off and put a dead mouse from the biology lab into her  bag. "No, he was just staring at me" Aquarius shrugged. "Just forget about him, he's just an ass" Libra added. 

    "I'm gonna see you guys later" Aquarius huffed leaving her friends. She took advantage of the chilly fall breeze and strolled through the empty courtyard of the school. "Hey" she heard a voice called from behind. "Oh Hi Leo" Aquarius asked confused when the boy finally caught up with her. 

    They walked side by side in silence for a minute or two "so I'm really not going to beat around the bush and all that" Leo said when they stopped in front of Aquarius' locker "I need at tutor for English and you're the best in the class" he added. Aquarius frowned her eyebrow " c'mom please, Ms Darribs said I really need to get my grade up or I'll fail the class" Leo whined with a small pout.  Aquarius laughed at his childish behavior "what's in it for me?" she asked.  The question caught Leo off guard "what?" "if I help you, what do I get in return," she said slowly, drawing out each word.  

    "Well you get to spend time in my presence " Leo smirked. "Yeah, that's all I need for my dreams to come true is to be in your presence, oh might Leo" Aquarius said as dramatic as she possibly can. "Haha, how funny " Leo replied sarcastically "are you helping me or not?" "yeah, I'm always up for helping the less fortunate" she said handing him her phone "put in your number so we can set up time and date for the tutoring sessions". 

~~Two weeks later~~

       "Hey" Leo said sitting infront of Aquarius and putting a piece of paper in her lap. Aquarius glanced at grinning boy in front of her and quickly pick the paper, she scanned the paper and launched herself onto him. "Leo, I'm so proud of you" she squealed.  "B+ that's incredible" she added. "Thank you" Leo whispered. Aquarius still had her arms wrapped her arms around Leo's neck. The sat like that for a few seconds, with each second ticking away they both inched closer together.

    "Oi Aqua" Libra called out to his friend from across the lawn.Aquarius and Leo both groaned and rolled their eyes. "I was looking for you" Libra added as he got closer. Aquarius unhooked her hands from around Leo's neck. "I'll see you later Leo" Aquarius said picking up her bag and walking off with Libra.

   Later that night Leo and Aquarius met at a small coffee shop to celebrate his high grade "thanks again Aqua, you saved me" Leo said placing a coffee in front of Aquarius and one in front of him. Aquarius took a sip her coffee and started giggling "what?" Leo questioned, "remember when you put gum in my hair?" She laughed and Leo looked down flushed "yeah sorry" he mumbled. "look at us now," she said putting her hand on his "unexpected friends yeah?" "yeah" Aquarius smiled. 

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