Short story1: part 1

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Girls: Aqua,Pisces,Capri,Cancer,Virgo and Gemini

Guys:Libra,Scorpio, Leo,Aries,Sag and Taurus.

Pisces giggled as she a Scorpio walked hand in hand up the small cliff down by the beach. He told her some joke that had her giggling none stop.

They sat on the edge of the cliff and watched the sun melt into the blue ocean, darkening the sky. neither of them said anything for a long time. The waves crashing against the shore and rustling of the wind calmed them both. Pisces felt happy, happier than she has been in a long time. She will miss this, miss coming to the beach everyday, miss coming up the cliff and most importantly she would miss the memories she created her with Scorps.

"Pi, I can't believe this is the end" Scorpio said is a hushed tone. Pisces frowned a little, it was just the end of summer, he shouldn't be upset about it.She understand that maybe he will miss everything they did over the summer but so would she.

"It's not really over, we'll still see each other in school and we could hang ou-"Pisces stopped talking and looked at Scorpio, who just shook his head.

"Pi, we can't" and then she realized. He was Scorpio, The Scorpio, the guy that everyone one wanted to be friends with, the guy that every guy wanted to be and every girl wanted to be with and she was Pisces the girl whose name no one apart from her friends and teachers knew. The girl that has more friend online than she does in real life, the girl that was out of his league.

Tears slowly ran down her cheek. "It's fine, I understand. I wouldn't date me either" She got up and walked down the cliff. She wanted to run but she walk,she walked in hopes that he'd follow her, and tell her how much he loved her just like in the books or movies. But this was real life and he never came.

~~Time Skip~~

The beginning of senior year, should be exciting, Pisces hoped. It's been a week since she last saw Scorpio and it hurt her to know that she would have to walk the same hallways with him and acted like they never held hands, sit in the same class room and act like they never kiss and see each other and act like complete strangers.

She felt as if she was gonna throw up, when her best friends Cancer and Virgo came into their homeroom.

"What's up Pi"Cancer asked noticing her best friends sad expression. Pisces smiled and replied with a fake cough and said she was feeling sick. The 3 girls went on talking about their summers, well Virgo went on and told them about her summer as a camp Councillor along with Taurus. Pisces looked at Cancer and could tell that she was holding back on something. Pisces told her friends about her summer on the beach with her family at their beach house, she didn't mention Scorpio and hoped they had forgotten about her briefly telling them about the boy she met.

They were later joined by Taurus, Libra and Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus kissed and grossed out their small group of friends, since the two had finally made it official over the summer.

Pisces felt like her breakfast was going to be on the floor soon as she heard a familiar laughing coming in the room. Pisces noticed  the change in Cancers facial expression when Aries, Leo,Saggi, Gemini,Aqua and him walked in.

Her eyes wondered to the front of the room and he was looking at her and then turned away. She took out her notebook and began to focus on her school work.

~~Time skip to:lunch~~

Pisces sat with Cancer and Libra opposite of Virgo and Taurus on their usual lunch table in the far corner of the cafe, when an annoyed Capricorn came in. She slammed her books down and huffed.

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