Surprise ?!?

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This was requested by @ThatOnePerson474 . Taurus (f) is the main character.

Boys: Virgo, Scorpio, Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Libra.

Girls: Taurus, Pisces, Gemini, Capricorn, Cancer and Aquarius.

Taurus laid on the couch, absentmindedly flipping through the channels on the television and eating a bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. Her eyes glanced at the clock on the wall above the tv "5:45" it reads.

She picked up her phone for what seemed like the bazillion time today. No messages, no calls. "Happy Birthday Taur" she huffed tossing the phone. A tear rolled down her cheek. How could her friends forget about her like this. She always felt that she wasn't as special as everyone else in the group.But this proved it for sure she wasn't.

Taurus wasn't the one to want a party or anything, but a girl only turn 16 once. She brought up the topic of her birthday many times in the past week just to have everyone shrug it off by changing the topic, like it was nothing.

Maybe they're just busy with homework and whatnot, she thought, but Leo posted a picture of him and Aries hanging out.Ugh she didn't know what to think anymore. She wanted to believe that they care and didn't forget but she knows better.

Loud ringing filled the silent room. Taurus quickly picked up her phone. Geminis named flashed across the screen.

"Ha-hallo, Taurus" Gemini cried through the phone. "Gems, Gems whats wrong?" Taurus panicked. "I don't know, something happened to Leo and I don't know what to do, can you come over?". "Oh god, I'll be there in 10 minutes don't do anything on till I get there" Taurus commanded as she made her way to her front door.

She quickly slipped on her sneakers and looked at her outfit. She was wearing she mint green and pink bunny PJ pants and a hoodie. She groaned and continued on her way.

Gemini lived four blocks away from Taurus. She got there in 5 minutes instead of the normal 10. All the lights to Gemini's house was turned off. Taurus walked up to the door and called Gem on the phone. She hates ringing the doorbell.

After two rings, the door swung open revealing a very distressed Gem. "Thanks so much for coming, he's in here"Gemini said leading Taurus down to her dark living room. "No problem, it's not like it's my birthday or anythin-"

"SURPRISE" The lights flicked on and 10 eager signs popped up blowing confetti up in the air and clapping.

"Oh god, you guys" Taurus gasped happily. She looked around the room. Balloons and other party decoration, all in her favorite color filled Gemini's living.
     "I bet you thought we forgot didn't you?" Scorpio asked his best friend. Taurus nodded her head in response.
    "What are you guys wearing?" Taurus asked, fighting to contain her laughter. "Well we figured you'd most like show up in that" Aries said gesturing to Taurus' pajamas. "We'd wear ours too" Cancer added cheerfully.


     "You guys, really did this for me?" "Of course, you'd do it for us and beside, you're one of our best friends" Capricorn answered. "Yeah Taur, without you we wouldn't be the 12 zodiacs, we be like 11" Aquarius said causing everyone to erupt in laughter.


    "Thanks so much for everything you guys" Taurus said with a huge grin on her face "best birthday anyone could ask for". "You shouldn't really be thanking us, Virgo is the one that came up with the idea and planned the whole thing, we just sorta helped along the way" Pisces said and Cancer nodded her head.

   Taurus excused herself from the girls and began to walk over to Virgo when her long time crush Sagittarius walked up to her. Sagittarius was one of those ruggedly handsome boy that every girl swoon over.

   "Hey Taur, happy birthday" he said engulfing her in a hug. "Thanks" she mumbled."Um Taur, I wanna know if maybe you wanna hang out Friday night?" Sag asked nervously. Taurus wanted to say yes in a heartbeat but from the corner of her eyes she saw a sad Virgo looking towards her and Sagittarius.
"Sorry buddy" Libra said to Virgo while patting him on the back.Virgo shrugged and walked away.
"I'm sorry Sag but I have other plans" Sagittarius smiled and walked off. Taurus frowned , she was waiting for so long for Sag to truly notice her she began to lose sight of someone that has always had eyes only for her.

"Hey Virgo" Taurus smiled shyly. "Hi Ta-Taurus" he stuttered. Awe Taurus thought he looks so cute when he's nervous.
"I heard there's a really cool movie coming on Friday, wanna go see it with me?" Taurus asked "ya know as a date" she added.
Virgos cheeks turned bright red as he nodded his head..

Zodiac short stories and one shots (Requests on hold) Where stories live. Discover now