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voicemail from - dan🌂

"hey, phil. i just wanted to say thank you for being my friend. if we're still friends, i don't know. it's been a while since we've spoken or seen each other. i'm sorry about what happened between us. happy late birthday. i hope you're able to find someone special for valentine's day. i regret not telling you my true feelings. heh, i would've been able to ask you to be my valentine. but that doesn't matter now. i have to move away. people at school are talking about me again. 'wasn't that kid in the news?' 'isn't he the one who moved here after that accident?' 'i feel sorry for him. losing his dad, brother, and grandparents in a car crash.' 'he was the only survivor, it's terrible.' i hate their pity, phil. i don't want them to feel sorry for me. i don't want them to look at me and only see the accident. i don't want any of it. i just want to be friends with you. i miss you so goddamn much. but i can't see you again. i don't want to see sorrow in your eyes when you look at me. that's why i have to say bye to you. goodbye, phil."

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