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it's weird to be sitting in a waiting room while your best friend, your only friend, is getting excess water taken from his lungs and afterwards being swaddled in blankets by nurses.

when i was finally allowed in by my mum phil was pale and seemed to be running on the fluids being pumped into his system.

he was asleep.

i pulled a chair in his room to right side of his bed.

"hey, phil. you scared the shit out of me. wow. you can't just become somebody's best and only friend and then go dying on them. smh."

it's true that i was worried. phil, phil, phil. you should tell people you can't swim the first time you see a body of water with them.

phil's hair is down to his eyes. i push it to the side.

"don't ever almost die again, phil. i wasted my first kiss on you, you little shit."

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