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"um...hello i would just like to say you're talking to JOHN CENA." i hung up on who i think was named chris.

"dan, you're not good at this. your memely-ness isn't going to get you anywhere with prank calls."

"uR MOM!!"

"wow, ok."


so here we are. i've decided that i'll have all of you be able to ask characters questions every part, and they'll gladly reply in the next one. here are the questions from last time!


from eternal-howell

dan, on a scale of 1-10 how much of a slüt are u for phil lester?


DAN • uh...2?? i'd say he's more of a slut for me tbh. he's the one that took those kisses smh.


DAN • tHIS IS MY QUESTION YOU SLUG. lmao that's a great typo.

PHIL • wowowowowow you're trash.


from heavenlyhowell

@//phil's mom : why tf wont you let someone who makes your son happy into his life? though he was there when your son couldve lost his life, dan was also the one to save it. so sTep uP yOu R gaMe.


PHIL'S MOM • how i raise my son shouldn't concern you.


AUTHOR • thanks for 11k reads and for continuing to read!

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