10.Shipping All The Way

Start from the beginning

I went to see if the popcorn was ready. 9 seconds. I quickly took the bag of popcorn before it hit 1. I went over to the living room and found Lydia with her Pj's, pink and white striped short with a gray tank top. She looked at me viciously and I just frozed right there in the moment, not a single word coming from my lips."So, I had heard that your little werewolf friend is in my house? Is he?" Oh my god. She saw him, how am I supposed to answer that. Most importantly, where's Scott? Lydia kept looking at me, an eyebrow raised.

Think Stiles, think, I say to myself. "Is it true Allison is here?" The words blurt out of my mouth. Seriously Stiles? Now she is thinking that you're a wimp, But it doesn't change me to say sorry because as soon as I look at her, her face was frozen for a while with her mouth hanging open.

"Umm...what are you, talking about? It must be, uh....you're...imagination!" I believed her for a second but I knew she was lying. So Allison is really here. But how? Not important. "Lydia, stop. I know she's here"

"Stiles, stop. I know he's here"

I sighed, "Okay, he's here. But I didn't invite him. Scott's little werewolf-ass just came over." Lydia nodded as if she believed me,"That's the same thing for Allison except she was outside my window and..."

I looked at her confused but now I realized what she was thinking,"Lydia, do you think they had planned this the whole time and try to see if we were you know?"

Lydia nodded. So we did had the same thought. Oh they're so going to be in trouble when we catch they're little assess. But who would be dumb enough to have this planned? Oh, that'll be Scotty Boy McCall. That little ass of his. "So, you're planning to catch them in the act? With that weird face around you it looks sort of, you know." Lydia says.

"Yep, maybe they're upstairs. We should act to say something like 'I love you'?" I say. Lydia shrugs, "Okay, but what should we really say to make it more realistic?" I glared at her, my eyes stinging at hers, "Lydia, they think that were together. Love you, is a way to get them to realize it that 'it is true'. So you'll say,"Stiles, you're so sweet. That makes me feel that I really love you so much", okay? I'll say, "Lydia, I love you too, but you realize that we still haven't told and Scott and Allison still don't know, we have to keep it a secret still" That'll make them what to come down and spy on us, we pretend to kiss, and then we'll catch them right there."

Lydia looked at me, widen eyes. She shrugged,"Okay but better make it quick. I don't have more time for more shannanigans of yours right in my house." That went well with that attitude. I placed my hand into her face and tried to make out the words but they were freaking stuck in my throat. Lydia looked at me,"Stiles, me first remember?" she hisses. I nodded as telling her to proceed,"Stiles, you're so...uh...sweet. That makes me open up more about my feelings for you, saying how much I had, love you?" Lydia squeaks at the last two words but she handed me a warm smile after, "Lydia, I love you too since the third grade. You realized that we still didn't told Scott and Allison about this, we have to keep it a secret still." I say and and brushed a piece of her strawberry-blonde hair out of her beautiful face.

I suddenly saw Scott and Allison's heads peeking over the top of the stairs in the corner of my eye. I saw Lydia's eyes gesturing towards their way, telling me she also knew. We leaned forward and I covered Scott and Allison's view to make it seem that we were "kissing". But all of a sudden, Lydia's lips brushed against mine slightly and we smile. That's our cue, I mouthed to her and she nodded.

We both turned around in their way and we pointed at them, "Aha!" We both say. Both of them startled and headed downstairs skowly. "OH MY GOSH! YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN YOUR FACES! THEY WERE ALL 'OMG, THEY'RE KISSING!' YOU THOUGHT YOU HAD IT!" I say loudly and me and Lydia are cracking up while Scott and Allison look at us as I ready to call 911. "You guys are horrible people! Why would you that?" Allison said.

"Oh, we'll tell you."

A/N: Hey guys, I have this chapter saved for a while but good thing I got it done. Thanks for everything and I love you! STYDIA SHIPPER FOREVER! Oh my God, thank God Stalia is over because I really didn't liked that ship and I will crack. Stydia is life, guys but for me. STYDIA SHIPPER FOREVER! Please don't call 911 as Allison and Scott were about to. Bye!

It's me again but 3 months after the story was completed. I'm looking back at my work and editing because when I started this book, I was so horrible but now I got better and decided to start editing it so it'll make sense.

Thanks for reading!


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