Chapter 9 Gideon Tutbury 1832

Start from the beginning

The ambassador stood

" More than a thousand, including army and civilians "

Gideon walked from his chair

" Well Mr Ambassador , what was achieved"

" Nothing Gideon " The ambassador replied " There is still dreadful unrest , the people still see Fabian as a Kind of god leading them to a better world"

Gideon smiled

" What then if Fabian  died and it looked like an act of God killed him ......would people support him then"

" No Gideon  I doubt that very much "

Gideon sat down and looked at his advisors , there eyes intensely focussed on him

Slowly he continued

...."G.entlemen ......this society has successfully cured otherwise fatal diseases , we have found cures from all over the world , for infections , for prolific killing diseases ....we have found the strain of the disease and the cure "

Lifting his hand , his assistant walked over to him handing him a box . Taking out two small jars he held the first up showing it to the group . An inky substance filled the jar .

Gideon pushed it out in front of the group .

" This Gentlemen is the plague bacteria and this "  holding out the second  " Is it's cure , its antidote "

holding both as if balancing them

" In essence Gentlemen , Life ........................and friends yes people fear death , fear God they fear what they can't understand or control ..................we will control their fears ......we will control life and death .......we will control them .....................We will be God "  pointing at the French ambassador " If your Fabian should contact the plague and perhaps his closest family too . people might consider that an act of God and wonder why God has struck him down "

The ambassador nodded his head " Yes"

Gideon stood again

" Not only do we control life and death , we also have the ability to unleash a contagious disease or a non contagious one .......No one except this societies closest circle .........would know where the the virus came from .....who had planted it ................If we for example thought someone was about to make a bad political decision ......then we can act ......Mr Ambassador one , two or maybe three dead and a population believing believing that it was Gods will that killed them .....that is far better than war .......then of course you control the people "

The ambassador stood and slowly applauded , his fellow inner circle all stood and slowly the ripple of applause continued .

The group adjourned the meeting to take coffee in the ante room

Senator Hollet stood alone by the large oval window stirring his coffee cup , whilst his colleagues chattered excitedly over the clink of porcelain.

" The senator glanced backwards as Gideon approached him.

" You realise the significance of this Gideon"

" Yes"

" Tell me Gideon, are you doing this as some kind of revenge because of your wife and child "

Gideon stared straight at the Senator

" preach God , you must control bad , if anything must come out of the last twenty years it is that we must use intelligence to make change , not intelligence for intelligence sake .......we will plan how we want history to be made to be remembered ......we will write history , before history has happened"

Senator Hollet shook his head

" Gideon, I'm too far involved to deny you "

Gideon held the senators collar , speaking firmly but in a whisper

" What we have here power the power to be everyones God , The Christian , The Muslim or any other ....we will unite people good or bad "

The Senator reacted angrily

" History Gideon, has taught us religions don't unite , all they do is preach they are right and go to war"

Gideon smiled

" Then......we must change history "

Gideon turned and asked the group to return to their seats . Waiting for them to be quiet he asked them all to stand

His assistant passed him a silver chalice , a snake formed the stem entwining into the bowl. He raised it to his mouth and sipped . The red wine staining his lips . He passed it to John by his right hand side who sipped and passed it to the next . Within a minute all the men had drunk from the chalice.

Gideon placed the chalice back on the table , he raised one hand

Gentlemen go from this place and hold the secret and the power we have decided on close . Work with your divisions ......We hold the future in our hands ..........

With that Gideon left the room.

Hundreds of miles to the south an agent slipped into Fabians Southern Paris apartment . Once his work was done he disappeared into the night.

Two weeks later The French National news reported that Fabian and his immediate family had been struck down by a mysterious illness . As the crowd gathered agents within the crowd started spreading the word Plague  and that God had struck them down .

Gideon picked up a telegram on his desk




Gideon turned to his assistant

" Send a reply , saying it is Gods will"

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