Chapter Seventy-Three

Start from the beginning

He rushes around our bedroom, gathering some shoes and a hoodie for me to slip on since I'm freezing cold, even though Peeta turned the heat up for me hours ago.

I sigh preparing for a trip to the hospital.

I do not at all want to go but I'm so afraid this is affecting the baby and I don't want anything to happen to it.

He helps me sit up and I set my hand on his back as he puts my shoes on to steady myself from the spinning room.

"Ugh, I feel so bad, Peeta." I whine.

"I know you do but let's get you to the doctor to see what's wrong." He says softly, slipping one of his hoods over my head.

He helps me stand up slowly and I have to lean my head against his chest and hold onto him. I don't think I'm gonna be able to stand up too long while being this dizzy-plus the lack of nutrients in my body is making it a lot harder.

"I'm gonna have to carry you. You're not steady enough to walk by yourself or even with me. I don't want to risk anything." He says.

"Peeta, you're gonna hurt yourself." I mumble to him.

He shakes his head, "I'm not worried about me and I may be older but I can still pick you up. You haven't gained a pound since you've been pregnant." Peeta says.

I sigh, "Fine." I groan, just wanting to go already.

He slowly scoops me into his arms and I press my forehead up against his chest as he carefully goes down the stairs.

Peeta takes me to the car, buckling me up and hurrying to his side.

I glance over as I cough and cough, my throat is raw and stings every time I talk.

I can see the worry in Peeta's eyes and across his face.

"I think I'm gonna puke again." I mumble in pain, holding my hand over my mouth.

He glances over, "What?" He asks.

Before I can repeat myself, I can't help but to let the very last bit of stomach bile goes onto the car floor. I cough some more, "I'm sorry." I mumble.

Peeta lets out a deep sigh, "It's alright, baby." He says putting his hand on my back and rubbing it gently.

I groan and close my eyes. A few minutes later he pulls into the ER and stops the car.

"Come on, sweetheart." Peeta says opening my car door, taking my seatbelt off me and scooping me out of the car.

I start having a coughing fit as the cold air hits my lungs and Peeta hurries into the entrance.

It's a lot warmer in here but I'm still freezing. Peeta half runs down the hall as nurses pull a wheelchair out. He gently sits me in it.

"She is really sick." He says over and over, nearly losing it.

A nurse rushes me into a room and then helps me up. I sit on the crumbling sheet of protectant paper and feel like the room is spinning. Peeta holds onto me as he sees I'm about to take a tumble onto the floor.

They're all moving too fast for me.

I can barely hear them talking over the sound of my heart pounding in my head.

A nurse comes over and takes my blood pressure and temperature as Peeta frantically explains everything wrong with me and tells them I'm three months pregnant.

As soon as they hear that, a nurse immediately puts her stethoscope onto my stomach and moves it around until she stops and listens.

She looks up at me, leaning down to me, obviously noticing I can't hear very well or that I'm not in my right mind right now.

Finding the Missing Piece: Book 5Where stories live. Discover now