"What just happened?!" Jack responded in agreement.

"Uh, this is my dragon. Say hello to toothless." Jack attempted to pet the Night fury, but was quickly taken aback with it's attempt to "naw" at his finger.

"Hehe...Why don't we all change..." Jack managed as he stood up. The rest followed as Rapunzel said, "Good idea. We'll be at Hogwarts in an hour or so, I assume."

"Why are ye so tall??" Merida exclaimed, jumping up to reach Hiccups height in her Gryffindor robes.

Hiccup smirked and said, "I'm a boy. It was bound to happen, Mer." Rapunzel clutched a book in her hands as she boarded the carriage with the three others.

"I like the new cut, Punzie." She blushed as the rest all murmered in agreement.

"Yeh, It's about time you lost the endless locks." Merida laughed to herself.

Rapunzel just blushed some more. "Well, I just got tired of lugging it all around..."

"Tired of the blonde too?" Jack began to slide his fingers and play with the tips of her brown locks that was now too short to touch her shoulders.

"Well... Yeah." Punzie knew they had known there would be more to the story as a tear began to peek out of her eye. But Merida knew there was too much hidden for her friend to handle.

"So, did yeh hear?" Merida quickly changed the subject. "The triwizard tournament is coming to Hogwarts! But with Hogwarts unable to compete, the four houses are competing each other." Merida smiled.

"But thats ridiculous," the newly brunnette muttered. "The triwizard tournaments whole purpose is to bring the three most popular schools together, all to make friends." She crossed her arms in disbelief.

"Punzie, lighten up. I mean, we're the only actual example of friendship between the four houses, anyway." Jack said, leaning back his head against his hands as he kicked his feet up.

Hiccup sighed and admitted, "Jacks right. That's probably why they're even doing this."

"But there are so many more civilized ways. Letting us eat together, at least!" Rapunzel sighed. She scowled slightly at their barbaric attempts.

"Well, Come on, Yah got to admit, it sound really fun!" Merida exclaimed, leaning forward at the sort haired girl with an excited smile slapped across her face. Her curls flew infront of her at her sudden push forward.

Hiccup turned to his red headed friend and mentioned, "What about the yule ball?"

"The yule ball! We finally get to go!" Rapunzel shouted, her arms flinging above her. She was obviously enlightened.

Merida and Jack gave a lazy and sarcastic, "yay.." while Hiccup began to blush furiously.

"We're here!" Rapunzel ran out of the carriage and ran ahead of her fourth year friends to Hogwarts.


With the Four friends setting themselves on the four different tables, Merida gourged herself in the feast after the sorting hat had sorted the first years.

Jack, who laughed along with the friends of his own, soon they'd brought up a topic that didn't exactly please Jack.

"So, the Yule ball is coming up soon, " Snotlout began, "Who you got your eyes on?"

Flynn played it cool as much as he could, then let out "Little Punzie from Ravenclaw over there, She seems like a hot one." Jack began to turn red, in a mixture of jealousy and self embarrassment. They all turn their heads over to the Ravenclaw table where she sat, reading her book. "Not a big fan of the new do, though." He admitted.

Without thinking, Jack said, "I think she looks nice." The other slytherins look at him in surprise. But all the attention went towards Snoutlout again as he began to flex his useless muscles.

"I dunno, She's hot and all," Jack began to turn redder, almost agreeing. "But Astrid is for the win." They all turned to Astrid, who sat next to him, but with a fair distance away. She turned to him, and punched him straight in the face. "Okay, uhh maybe next year." And Snotlout began to day dream again. Jack remembered the totally obviuos crysh Hiccup had on her, and shuttered to himself at the thought of them actually being together, almost thinking, 'poor Hiccup.'

"Who are you gonna ask, Jack?" Snotlout turned to him.

"Well, I don't know." He responded.

"What about that fiesty red head you always hang out with?" Flynn asked. "What's her name... The mudblood."

Jack shook his head, ingoring the slight anger that bursted within him as Flynn insulted his best friend. "Nah, I'm not into her like that..."

"Well, She's probably going with that wierd dude from hufflepuff. Last resort, I assume."Even though Jack's anger bursted through him, he tried hard to push it away. "Shut up, guys, they're my friends."

His mind drifted back to Punzie, the one they didn't yet mention and brutally insult as Headmaster North stepped onto the podium to face the students in the grand hall.

"Good Evening, students." Said Head Master North with his russian accent. "This year, as most of us are aware, we have been unable to comete in the triwizard tournament." The grand hall groaned with utter dissapointment, "But." The russian shouted to silence the hall, "We have decided to hold one through out the four houses." The hall abrupted in excitement.

Merida began to squeel in her seat as Hiccup caught the sight of her and couldn't help but smile.

Fishlegs nudged him as Dingwall muttered, "Wha' ye starin at?" Then began to stare at his spoon.

"Oh, nothing." He turned back to the podium.

"For those who aren't aware, the triwizard tournament is a famous contest that is usually held between the three wizarding schools, including Dumstrang and Beauxbatons..." As He drifted onto introduction, Merida began to grow bored, although what tree very he was talking about was probably important she WAsn't interested enough to stay attentive.
"I know right, " Tidbit said , " What a lame sport, Triwizard Tournament. like some weird Olympics or something, pff."
"You're one to talk, you almost fell out of your seat about 10 seconds ago." Ruffnut said, crossing her arms.
Suddenly she was slog hr ly mPE interested.

As they began to argue, Merida shushed them as Professor North stepped down from the podium to pull a large blanket off of a stand to reveal the most beautiful cup she'd ever seen. It was just about big enough to ttake a bath in, she thought.

The next table over, she saw Rapunzel devour it's beauty and design. She'd always had a taste for art, and everyone had seen to that. The trophy absorbed light and it bounced in all directions, with the lights dimmed, She was practically in love.

"So with that said, we will allow third years and up to participate in the games. Anyone elegable can wirte their names on a parchment and place it in the cup. The cup will choose the winners tomorrow evening." The great hall cheered and continued slobbering themselve in dessert.


I really hope you all liked it :) I was having a hard time explaining, and the characters that were extra, from the other movies, well a lot of them may not even be mentioned much again. And sorry I didn't mention Hiccup too much, nothing came to mind on what would happen with him.

By the way, I wonder who would get chosen? Psh no derp.

I own nothing. (Just thought I should mention that, even though you should all know.)

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