Chapter 5

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It was Dan who answered the door after Joe knocked. Like the other guys, Dan was in a suit but had black skinny jeans on with black vans.

We all went in, Dan hugging everyone. When it came to at the end though, he finally let the tears he was collecting in his eyes go, them rolling down his cheeks at a fast pace. I hugged him tight as I heard him sob.

"You'll be fine Dan," I say, doing my best to comfort him, "You're strong and so is Phil... You and Phil can get through this. I know you can and so does the rest of your phandom."

Dan pulls away and smiles at me, "You remind me so much of Lexi..." he gulped the rest of his tears away and I smile at him, "When someone dies, everyone will remind you of that loved one..."

Dan raised an eye brow, obviously wanting a follow up but I shake it off, "I'll tell you about it soon. Right now you have other things to have your mind focused on."

I hear Zoe calling my name, and taking Dan's hand, we go upstairs.

Phil looks and when he see's Dan's red, puffy eyes, he comes and hugs Dan and kisses him, "It'll be ok Dan..." I see more tears falling down Dan's cheeks before seeing Phil start too.

I walked over to Zoe and Alfie and sat between them. Alfie squeezes my hand and I look at him and he smiles at me, "Well done," he whispers.

"For what?" I ask.

"Helping Dan and Phil. The past month and a half has been hard for them. You're helping them out so much." He hugs me and I relax into his warm chest, his suit jacket surprisingly soft against my cheek.

When Phan had finished hugging it out and were out of tears to cry before the funeral, we all stood up, "You ready?" Joe asks them seriously and Phil nods, "ready."

We go down stairs and we watch as other YouTubers gather around and all of them sad for the event but happy to see me.

When the funeral cars pull up, even though I never met Lexi nor Jake, I felt the tears threatening to fall. I looked at Phan and they were full on crying. I walked over to them and gave them a bug hug, "I'm sure you two were the best dads to Lexi. Finding a perfect foster home takes time and I have to say, I bet you two were the definition perfect to her, like Zoe and Alfie are to me."

Dan pulled me into a tighter hug before him, Phil, me, Zoe, Alfie and Connor all got into the black funeral car that follows the coffin car. Behind us was another funeral car which Joey, Daniel, Joe, Caspar, Tyler and Marcus were in. The rest would have to drive there in their own cars.

I sat next to Connor. I knew him and Lexi had a special bond after he had given her his necklace which he was happy about as when she died, she had something to remember himself by... he mentioned it in a previous video to give out love and respect to Dan and Phil after their loss of Lexi.

I watched as tears silently slipped down his cheek before I took his hand. He looked startled at me before smiling weakly, "You'll be fine," I say calmingly, "I know it's hard after you loose a loved one... I know that..." I felt a tear roll down my cheeks remembering what happened in the past.

Connor raised a eye brow, just like Dan had done earlier, "I'll tell you all sometime," I say, "Now isn't the time... and anyway, I should probably tell Zoe and Alfie about it first-"

"What?" Alfie spun around as the car began to move at it's slow pace.

"Just talking to Connor... and I need to tell you and Zoe something when we get back to Joe and Caspar's tonight," I say and Alfie nods before turning back to talk to Zoe.

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