Chapter 1

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Before I begin, if you haven't read my previous book, READ IT! This is a follow on book so yeah, if you have, here we go!


Hi I am Hayley.
I am 14
I am female
I am a orphan in Brighton CareHome
And I an addict to YouTube.


Why would anyone want to adopt me? That is the question that my brain asks every time I lie in bed at night. I admit it, I have issues. Like, really bad issues. I wish I could control the issues but I physically can't. The workers at this place always label me as a 'challenge to get along with' just because I have been adopted five times and every time returned.

I'll admit to you now though, I am never sad when I am brought back. Miss Harris, my care-worker says I always come back because there is a proper family out there perfect for me. But with anger issues and mild depression, you skip the positive what-ifs to the reality and wonder if there even is a proper family out there for you...

I watch way too many Dan Howell videos...


But Dan isn't my favourite YouTuber. Ok, him and Phil make a cute couple with their adopted daughter Lexi who died suddenly two weeks ago... But what about the other YouTuber couples? Stop dreaming up the craziest ships like Jaspar and Troyler and focus on the real life ones! Like Jaya... and Janiel...

And Zalfie, the cutest of them all.

I love them. I am obsessed with them. I find them both so cute and with little Nala... aww! I have heart-breaks every time I watch one of their videos. They are adorable and I have both of their books, making four in total stashed under my bed. I have read Girl online 12 times, and Girl Online on tour, I am halfway through my 5th time. With Alfie's books, I have almost completed both of them, which is a disapointment.

But still... moving on.

My tumblr page is full of gifs of them. I always comment on their videos. But dispite all this, I had never meet them.

But that was all going to change.

I told Miss Harris about my over-powered obsession for Zoe and Alfie and she arranged for me to go to a meet and greet with them in two days in London! I had two days to mentally prepare myself to meet my two idols and Zoella, the biggest beauty guru I knew. I had all her products so I knew what I was going to so tomorrow...

Tumblr, Tanya Burr and Zoella product pamper night for me, myself and I.

I open my laptop and go on Twitter and scroll around until I decide to tweet. As if it would get noticed. As if!


And for the first time ever, I was noticed. Zoe freaking noticed me;
@Zalfie_Shipper_fan @PointlessBlog I am excited to meet you too 😍

I screamed. I actually screamed and Miss Harris ran in, "What's going on?" She asks, panting.

"I was noticed! Zoe Sugg noticed me!" I cry and she engulfs me into a hug, "I don't know what that means but I'm guessing it's a good thing..."

"A good thing?" I exclaim, "It's an incredible thing! I am hyperventilating," I laugh.

Miss Harris leaves the room sighing and I lie back on my back and smile.

I was actually noticed.

By Zoella.

Oh my god.


Aye Chapter one!!

I know I only just finished writing my other book here.... In Actually wrote this chapter a couple of days ago, ready with notes I NEED TO INCLUDE for future books to make sense!!

Ok bye.


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